
Sunday, November 2, 2014


Pride, , create new ones and TAKE action. Life is simply too short to not , create

Hi all,

I just witnessed the USMC Boot Camp graduation of my nephew Preston Silcox.  Quite a day with mixed emotions.  Personally, I couldn't help but think back many years ago when I was a week away from swearing into the Army and aspirations of Ranger school.  Life had a different course for me with the news that Tammi was pregnant with Parker.  I realize it's a bit selfish, but I regret not following through with that course of action. I have been a bit lost ever since trying to rediscover that purpose and passion I felt so strongly.  Lack of purpose, direction, and goals makes life tormented.  I can't allow myself to regret for long because I realize it's all about choices I can make today and the adventure I can tackle today to make my tomorrow more purposeful.  So I cut out my own internal pity party while on Parris Island and soaked up all that my senses could sponge.  One observation was the eyes and expressions of my oldest son.  He's 11, but would go to Boot Camp tomorrow if he could.  He was in awe of it all and looked at Parris Island like a big playground.  I "get it".  I know everyone is not like that, but I sure am glad there are other people out there that want that life like their next breath for the sake of our freedom and all that makes America what it is.

One of the most impactful observations made was the character change in those young men.  There was an unspoken pride, contentment, peace, and deep purpose.  Those men are forever in a family, a brotherhood, and that will never be taken from them.  There was a smile that could not be wiped away on the faces of each new Marine that graduated that day.  Not a bad start to life after high school!  My family and I are fans of The Walking Dead and can't wait to watch it on Sundays.  As I go through life, 1 can't help but see the majority of the public as The Walking Dead.  They go through life with no clear purpose, direction, or burning inner desire to be a true impact on the world.  They watch people on TV having adventures, but are not living their own.  What a tragedy and sad reality of the walking dead around us.  My respect goes to those hungry for the adventure,  regardless of your life direction, you have the option to make it an adventure.  You can stop surviving and start thriving.  You can stop merely existing and start LIVING.  It's never too late to be who you might have been.  It's time to dust off those old dreams, create new ones, and LIVE the adventure that life can be.  Life is simply far too short to  merely exist.  Today is the day to set that ridiculously scary goal on your calendar and TRAIN in order to be ready to soak as much out the experience as you can.  The journey are the grounds that change you mentally and physically.  Your character is changed through ACTION.  Sooooo..I want to hear back from each of you...I want to know your next adventure, the date, and it better be something you think is impossible.  It's time to push the limits and soak in the adventure of life like never before.  It all starts TODAY.  This is the first day of the rest of your life.  Congratulations U.S. Marine Preston Silcox.  Your adventure is just beginning!