
Thursday, September 26, 2024

One step

 It all starts with one step.  The conundrum is that the step can be forwards or backwards.  Either is a step.  One progresses you up the stairs, the other could potentially leave you crashing to the bottom.

Where is your focus today?.  You can see the top, but you need to focus on the next stair to get there.

Let your feet land solidly in the direction you want to go.  Keep your balance and forward momentum.  Up is the direction.  Keep stepping.  One step at a time.

Lace your shoes tightly and feel firm in the steps you are taking.  Trust.  We are going UP!

Love you all

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

What if

 I have caved on this a few times in my life.  There is a hope of what "can" be based on the chance.

I am at a point of simply believing what you do yields results.  What are you going to do to get the results of "what if"?  Don't hinder the miracle before it happens.  

You create the results.  What you put in is what you get out.  Eliminate the road blocks and speed bumps in order to receive.  It will come if you simply stay at it consistently with a vision.  Keep the vision.  Even if fuzzy at times, things will become clearer the more you move in the direction.

Love you all.  "What if" you loved yourself enough to put in the work to get the results you desire?  Imagine.....  See and BE.

Thursday, September 19, 2024


 Life can do this.  I've met a few crazy people lately.  One of them was staring back at me in the mirror.

This club is unique because of our relationship with each other.  When we deal with "crazy", we have a support system and action to address.

We talk, we laugh, we cry, and try our best to not end in a strape jacket or banging our head against a window at the closest mental institution with a helmet on.

Let us stay focused, do the work on ourselves, and not stay crazy.  Lets take "crazy" in a direction that makes others question what makes us so awesome.

Love you all

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 People have become so self absorbed that they have an inability to see life through other eyes.  Please don't forget we have all been through good times and bad.  We are dealing with our jobs, families, and life in real time TODAY.

Respect may mean that you simply be kind and have empathy.  We don't know what people are going through.  We aren't in their shoes.  They are also not in ours.  If they make you feel insignificant, just know the ignorance, and move on.  Know your worth and find the people that do.

One thing is for sure.......  YOU are in your OWN shoes.  Respect yourself, love, and be kind to YOU, but don't forget the brother beside you.  Listen, care, and love without conditions.  This is a business of listening and loving.

I respect and love you all

Friday, September 13, 2024


 This has been a very interesting day of meeting people trying to transition into a new tank.  It requires a jump and the gumption to do so.  

The longer you swim in the same tank, the more you get used to the same environment. food, and temperature of the water, you accept where you are at.

Its time to jump to a different tank to grow.  I read an article recently that said that you cannot grow alone, but I also feel you have to jump to a tank with the things/people that enable you to grow.  Jump.  You never know who you may inspire to jump in the new water.

Its fresh/clear, and full of possibilities of a new environment.

Love you all