
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

You are.....

Happy Tuesday!

There are soooo many things that keep us from maximizing our full potential in life. Fear of failure, feelings of inadequacy, lack of confidence, listening to the negative voices of others, and ultimately a lack of confidence. 

How do we foster confidence? I could really drag out this answer, but I will keep it short. "Practice" is a descent answer, but I feel "practice" with a constant "vision" in mind is a bit of a better answer. With vision, we make changes that help us reach the goal. Going after the quest of a better and more confident you requires quite a climb. We may never make the summit if we are carrying too much weight. That "weight" could be negativity, stress, or just "stuff". We have to constantly reassess the weight we're carrying at each switchback. 

Are the things you are carrying tools to help you get the the top? Do we need to lay some things down that are simply too heavy or too pointless to carry? One thing is for sure. If we don't have a clear vision of where/why we're climbing, we will either fall head first to the rocky bottom, or set up camp half way up and never see the splendid view that awaits those that persevere. A task without vision is drudgery. A vision without a task is merely daydreaming. Its time to BE who we were born to be and DO the things we've always aspired to do.
Think like the champion "you are" today. Act like the phenomenal person "you are" today. BE the inspiration "you are". Get your gear, its time to make a push to the summit.............

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Hi all!,
I had an interesting conversation this morning that reminded me of how important and effective visualization is. When I played High School basketball, our coach was also a believer. He figured that if Dean Smith thought it was beneficial, he would too. So, we all received cassette tapes of brainwashing, subliminal messages, and hypnotizing visualization. Guess what we were also blessed to hear on the bus to away games?! In the beginning, I thought it a bit silly, but soon embraced the notion that filling our heads with positive thoughts couldn't hurt. Though, I at times do the same thing with running, I don't do it as much as I should, as focused as I should, nor do I apply it to every aspect of my life as I should. Our morning front desk person did a research paper in graduate school on this very topic and our conversation was a great reminder. The art of visualization doesn't have to solely apply to sports. There are many studies that prove the effectiveness of simply envisioning positive outcomes.
Please click on the link below and insert the practice into your daily routine. This can be done at night when your head hits the pillow and again in the morning before you get out of bed. Picture the person you want to be and the things that you want to accomplish that day, that week, and that year. Visualize yourself DOING it in vivid detail. "See it" equals "Be it"

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cha cha changes....

Hi all!
Okay peeps, January is over and we're a week into February. Its time to again explore our goals and reassess how we are doing on the path to reaching them. By this point, new habits are formed and the journey to accomplishing your goals should be like "brushing your teeth." So, now what? Its time to step it up. Sorry, the "routine" has to change a bit if you want to change your body, mind, or life. A sign that you need to mix things up is if you are "comfortable" with your routine. Dale Carnegie once said that life choices need to lean toward the side of things that you fear the most. Its time to get "comfortable" with being uncomfortable if you want to take it to the next level. If you fail to do this, you will only become stale and stagnant. That's not exactly the recipe for success in fitness or in life.
After years in this business, personal trainers observe the 99% of gym goers going through the same routines year after year after year. As an outside observer, they appear no different mentally or physically for YEARS of "working out." They do the same wrong things in the wrong ways and expect results. Why does only one percent of the population seem to push beyond their limits? The one percent rule also seems to apply to business. The one percent rule applies to running as well. Only .05 percent of the population will complete a marathon in their life times. Those of you that have been to a marathon or even a 5k will attest that its simply a different atmosphere and contagious energy that can't be found anywhere else. These people are some of the most educated, experienced, cultured, positive, and interesting people you will ever meet. They are enthusiastic, energetic, giving, and motivating. Many have overcome tremendous odds that would cripple most, yet these people seem to stay positive and persevere. Why do the "fit" make more money, have more education, and stay married more so than the rest of the population? What separates them? Getting out of their comfort zone, testing their limits, and a sense of exploration/adventure. A marathon finish line is like no other place. Only those that cross it will ever experience its energy, happiness, and transforming powers. Marathons are just one of MANY venues to experience such a thing. You don't have to be a runner or want to be one. Many other finish lines that take you out of your comfort zone will do just fine. One thing is for sure though. You have to get off your rear end and stop making excuses.
Like anything in life worth achieving, a lot of sacrifice and pain was endured to produce a positive life change. It all started with committing to do something that scares the heck out of us.
What are you going to do this month to not only remain on the path of resolutions, but to push your limits, explore, and be forever transformed?