
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hi all!,
I had an interesting conversation this morning that reminded me of how important and effective visualization is. When I played High School basketball, our coach was also a believer. He figured that if Dean Smith thought it was beneficial, he would too. So, we all received cassette tapes of brainwashing, subliminal messages, and hypnotizing visualization. Guess what we were also blessed to hear on the bus to away games?! In the beginning, I thought it a bit silly, but soon embraced the notion that filling our heads with positive thoughts couldn't hurt. Though, I at times do the same thing with running, I don't do it as much as I should, as focused as I should, nor do I apply it to every aspect of my life as I should. Our morning front desk person did a research paper in graduate school on this very topic and our conversation was a great reminder. The art of visualization doesn't have to solely apply to sports. There are many studies that prove the effectiveness of simply envisioning positive outcomes.
Please click on the link below and insert the practice into your daily routine. This can be done at night when your head hits the pillow and again in the morning before you get out of bed. Picture the person you want to be and the things that you want to accomplish that day, that week, and that year. Visualize yourself DOING it in vivid detail. "See it" equals "Be it"

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