
Friday, December 20, 2013

Through the eyes of Belle

Hi all!

What an absolutely gorgeous day! I did a bit more of looking at the world through my dog's eyes today. I eagerly looked to please people. I played, wagged my tail, and ran with abandoned. I also stopped to smell the smells (eve...n that strange smell on the Avery Creek trail today) At one point, Tyler and I came across a couple that had obviously gotten to a creek crossing, didnt wany to get there feet wet, and turned back. We charged through the creek with no hesitation and no unbroken stride. We got to the couple and they asked if we had crossed the creek. Tyler and I were in mid conversation on another subject, but both chimed in "of course". The woman, in a joking voice, said she hated us. Without knowing the beauty, waterfalls, and adventure that was on the other side of nothing more than cold water, the couple had chosen not to overcome the obstacle.

We come across soooooo many obstacles each day! Most of them are in our own minds. What if we chose to do our best at every individual moment? In the moment you debate on crossing a creek, and turn back, ask: "was that my best?" Doing your best at the moment you are in puts you in a much better position in the next moment. I've watched Belle overcome quite a few obstacles.... If I am on the other side, she will find a way, and not give up until she does. (Thats a whole other lesson for another day)

Thank you Stuart Moran for getting my butt off the couch, turnining the TV off, and getting back outside to ser the world through Belle's eyes. My imagination sure beats watching someone elses on TV. Thank you Cameron Dorn for challenging me daily. (It finally pissed me off enough to get up and do something about it.)

As Mr. Moran said. "It's hard, but I am DETERMINED to get there".
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