
Tuesday, April 30, 2024


 This world can be full of A LOT of "noise".  It will drive you insane.  Step into a place of controlling what comes in.  The noise coming in will impact your mental and physical health.

The first step is awreness of what you are allowing to creep in.  Change the station, turn the volume down, and march to the beat of your own drum.

Love you all

Monday, April 29, 2024


 Mondays bring a lot of anxiety to many.  Its a day to simply begin a new week.  Sparkle and shine.  Set the tone and nail it.  Lets get it!

It begins with a mindest to look for opportunities.  The possibilities are endless.  Look forward to it, put your smile on, and anticipate the great things to come this week.  We got this.

Love you all

Saturday, April 27, 2024


 Ive done plenty of wood working projects.  The rule is always "measure twice, cut once".  Wood is expensive.  No room for mistakes.  Guess what.....  Your life is expensive.  Take your time to measure before you cut.  Cut with the grain.  Cut with purpose and measure properly.  A perfect build begins with the simple task of accurately measuring to the point of doing the math of the width of the blade....

Deep thoughts for your Saturday.

Love you all

Friday, April 26, 2024

Its Friday

 Everyone gets super excited about Friday.  Should your life not be lived as if  every day were Friday?  It can with a mindset.  Every day is a gift.  You don't have to build a club house with cardboard boxes or get fired on your day off.  Create your own destiny.  Mr Jones got bit by a dog while working.  "Please don't bite me dog". Roll with the punches and show them EVERY day is FRIDAY.  You are still here every day.  Make a reason.

You can simply breathe each day, create your gratitude list and give thanks.  Absorb all, and grow EVERY day.  THAT is the vacation.  Love every minute of what you are learning.

Love you all

Thursday, April 25, 2024



There is a place in life that things are closed.  The light won't come in.  At some point, drift over to the window and open the curtain.  There is a new world out of the hole.  See it first.  Take your time, and eventually, you will open the door.  Step into it with a thirst that soaks it all in.  Let it embrace you and sweep you away into a light that brings warmth, peace, and comfort.  Open the curtains!

Love you all


 The flowers are blooming.  Everyone is cutting grass.  Don't forget that Spring equates to new life.  It may only be here for a season....., but go barefoot and dance in the flowers of growth.  Everything in life comes in seasons.  It is your choice to embrace and dance in the season you are in.

Don't just dance among, be a wildflower and a part of your own growth and beauty

Love you all

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


 It can sometimes be a scary thing losing luggage, a pair of sunglasses, a child in Wal-Mart......  Been there.  The ultimate goal when you lose something is to FIND it.  Lost your mental, physical, or spiritual health?  These are non physical things that can be found.  It requires you to step out of the physical realm of finding.  Look within, and you will find it if you do not relinquish the effort of searching.  Keep seeking.  You will find, or it will appear to you based on the search.  Do your due dilligence.  Flip your own couch cushions.  

Love you all

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


 The wind is going to blow, the storms will come, how will you adjust?  Its time to set the sails to ride the wind vs letting it blow you in a direction you were meant to go.  It means the difference of being lost and shipwrecked on a deserted island or headed to the destiny you were made for.

Set the sails.  Don't sit on it and hope for the best.  Take control of your destiny with proactive steps to battle the storm and traject you to calmer waters and peace.  

Love you all

Monday, April 22, 2024

Keep calm

 I have hit many small targets from FAR away.  Steady, breathe, be calm, and exhale after the shot is fired.

If you pull the trigger when you are hyped up, you're going to miss the target.  Settle yourself, bring your heartrate down and gently squeeze without anticipation of recoil.  Let it flow.  

There are many triggers we pull in life.  The rule remains the same.  Take a deep breath, relax, and gently allow the trajectory to go where it is aimed.  The fact is, you are only wasting ammo if you can't calm yourself, focus, be at peace in the moment before the shot.  We want to take shots, but clarity and peace are needed for the results of a target HIT.  Take your time and hit the target.

Love you all

Sunday, April 21, 2024



It happens when you realize your worth.  This fight is not over.  We are in it to win it.  Stay in the fight.

There are two choices.  Fight or fold when the white towel is thrown into the ring.  There is so much more left in you.  You will not be defeated.  Get up!  GET UP!

Saturday, April 20, 2024


 I have half my life, basically in my truck.  There is a bucket of nothing but medals by the passenger rear door.  It turned over.  Many glass ones fell out and shatterd on the pavement when I opened the door.  This one fell out as well.  Almost as if it were staring at me bc this month is the Boston Marathon.  

Life is crazy.  We accumulate awards, medals, promotions, trophies, gold watches, whatever.........  Guess what.  They all get shoved in a bucket, stuffed in a box in a shed, or shatter on pavement.  The "awards" that matter are the impacts you have on others around you.  The ones you give yourself each DAY for a job well done or a spirit you were able to lift.  We can also give a medal to those that lift us when we are down.  A genuine "Thank You" can help them put a medal in their bucket.  

Lets keep filling the bucket!

Love you all 

Friday, April 19, 2024


 I am sorry I havent been posting lately.  People have most certainly let me know.  I have been detained for a bit.  I am back.  Throught the ups and downs, simply trust.  The best is yet to come.  It requires your positive outlook and actions each day.  Regardless of negative people around you or those there to tear you down.  Keep the faith and keep doing what is RIGHT.  THE book has a few things to direct our lives.  Engulf yourself into learning what teaches us to be all that we were meant to be.  Stop simply going through life in the same way and hoping for a different result.

Hold on.  Never give up on what you know is right.  Forgive others.  Forgive yourself.  Move forward with the assurance that you are promised to prosper and not be harmed.  Hone in, and stay after it, NO MATTER what is out there to tear you down.  They won't win if you keep going.  Down?  Guess what.....  You will rise and prove to all.  The most important is to yourself.  You're worth it.

Trust the process.  No room for doubting.  Let the past go, embrace the present and future to come.  No matter what you're going through,  Trust

Love you all

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 Know your worth!  It takes examining.  Not only self examing, but askig others the impact you have made on their lives.  Your worth comes down to the impact that you make on others.  What shines "through" you?  Your ultimate purpose and a life worth living is found in discovery and giving.

It doesn't have to be complicated.  Your purpose may be to simply brighten as many people's day, to share experience, or just love.  Help others be the best version of themselves.  It starts with you being the best version of yourself.  Whatever that means to YOU.  And, it changes over time.  Keep examing DAILY.

Love you all

Monday, April 15, 2024


 There have been quite a few members over the years that have basically said to me "I'm doing SOMETHING".  This is true.  Its better than nothing.  But, if you're going to do "something",  go BIG.

Don't settle for simply "something" while convincing yourself that its better than "nothing".  That goes back to the comparrison to others.  They are doing nothing.  I am better because I am doing something.  Make the choice in order that something BIG is coming.  That requires the somethings you do each day to be BIG.

Sunday, April 14, 2024


 This morning's Sunday School class was on Jacob wrestling with God.  Even after God dislocated his hip, he wouldn't let go until he was blessed.  Hang on.  He will change your name and give you a new beginning.

I remember the story of Esau and Jacob.  Its quite the story in Genesis with tons of nuggets.  It all comes to a head when you wrestle with the one that has the answers.  Dislocated hip, or whatever happens........  Hang on.  The blessing will come when you don't let go.

Happy Sunday.  Off to watch The Masters.  Love you all

Friday, April 12, 2024


 Time is all we have.  We don't get a second back.  I used to create a "To Do" list every day.  It gave me great joy to check the items off.  It made me feel I was making the most of my time.  At he end of the day, I would reflect and make mental notes to make the next day more producductive while also measuring "balance'  What is on your list?  Analyze it.  What matters in the BIG picture?  Make your list wisely and place the items in order of priority.  What grows you and others?

Time...........  Think about every second ticking by.  You're not getting those back.  Lets get after it.

Love you all

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Your heart

 How many people in your network actually know your heart?  If they don't know, let them go.  The people that know, embrace them and get to know theirs.  A secret is......., if they know yours, you know theirs.

Its time to surround yourself with people that KNOW you, "get you", and see your beauty.  Stop wasting time and energy outside of that.  People that care and know your heart will hold each other's hearts and protect.

I "Heart" you all.


 Be disciplined enough to choose the path of making yourself strong.  Its all HARD!  Choose your hard.

Either anticipate more miserable days or the days of strength to come.

Love you all


 Change.  It takes courage, a bridge and a few hops, but the other side..........  It is a place of endless possibilities.  Is it?  Is the grass greener on the other side?  You won't know until you realize that where you are isn't working.  You watered that grass.  Its still brown.  Water in another pasture.  Take a chance and start the bridge walk to something new and better.  Keep your head up in the crossing.  Don't look down.  Look in the direction you want to go..  I can't count how many times I have stared at an obstacle I didn't want to hit, just to hit it or look down, not wanting to fall, but fell.  Lets stay focused on the path we want to take.

Love you all

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Be you

 I have always wanted to start a gym with this philosophy.  Instead of Crossfit, (I have quite the view of Crossfit.  I know the origin and the split between the original owners)  I would choose "Misfit".  People that come together to make each other stronger from all sorts of history and backgrounds.  People make each other stronger and are a part of a group that holds each other there.  Its all about relationships and the community you embrace to grow.  Individualized and results oriented without the injuries.  We have endured enough injury.  

Join the community of Misfits and transform your life with likeminded people that have had enough and grow.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024


 It seems so many people are so "busy".  What matters?  Simplify.  Easier said than done I know.  But you matter.  Your health, mental, physical, and spiritual health matter.  Quality vs quantity.  Be phenominal at a little vs trying to tackle A LOT.  Your life will transform.  Trust your gut and go with what matters.  Let as much of the other crap go.

Monday, April 8, 2024


 I have countless people that come in with the mentality of "tomorrow".  I also have the crew that come in that make it TODAY.  There is a huge difference.  Make it TODAY or "tomorrow".  Truth is that you live ONCE.  TODAY is the choice.

I don't care what happens......  I know people that went for a run the day someone passed away.  The choice is for YOU to control your own mind in whatever situation you are in.  Make the choice to take care of YOU today.  Tomorrow may or may not come, but you can prepare to be better today in HOPE of tomorrow.

Friday, April 5, 2024


 I have always been interested in psychology and philosophy.  Why do people do what they do?  Why do they act the way they act?  "What is the meaning of life?" has always been a question we all dig into at certain points of our lives.  It takes a good shovel and a lot of calluses to reveal our own answer.  At the end of the day, the point is to LIVE.  You get to choose what that means to YOU.  Don't sacrifice or settle for another version.  Live YOUR life.

I often ask members that come in what they are grateful for TODAY.  Many simply state "I woke up".  Its time to get past the minimal, and tackle what comes after.  The LIVING.

What brings you "life"?  What brings you joy and happiness?  LIVE around those things.  The energy you put out comes back to you if you can simply focus on THOSE things.

Lets DO it.

Live and love well while also not sacrificing your own meaning of life.

Love you all

Thursday, April 4, 2024


 I have always had quite a few hobbies.  The point is the "passion" that drives you.  What makes you tick?

Do not let the passions that make you tick slip.  My passion has always been making other people better.  It fuels me.  Make a list today of what fuels you and jump in to THOSE things.  

It's time for a Hobby Lobby trip.

Love you all


 Angel 44........  Resiliance, abundance, and hope.  May your April, 4th also bring these things to you.  Accept the help of the angel watching over you and embrace.  Today is going to be a good day.

Love you all

Wednesday, April 3, 2024



Hope has a key.  There is something you have to unlock to get it.  What is locked to hinder needed "hope"?  Recognize the locks and use the key.  (YOU) are the key.  No need to call a locksmith.  The key is within you.  Today is the the day to unlock and let hope float.  Grab it.

Hope comes from many places.  Keep your eyes and heart open.  Hope is what its all about.  Let it open and embrace the changes to come.  Trust in the key to open the lock.  You got this.  Turn the key.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


 Its a whole different world than we grew up in.  Its gonna take a lot of grit and gumption to get through.  Hold true to your own convictions,  Don't give in.  You WILL get through!

Monday, April 1, 2024

Don't be a fool


There used to be a time that I loved April Fools jokes.  They are light hearted and set a tone for fun.  Choose today as a day to end the jokes and work on you.  That was my flip this year.  Make the joke on them by being your best self.  I have a son going through a trauma.  Some are not in the mood to deal with the "jokes".  Be in the mood to deal with solutions, and the laughter will come.  If you don't, the joke will be on you.