
Saturday, April 20, 2024


 I have half my life, basically in my truck.  There is a bucket of nothing but medals by the passenger rear door.  It turned over.  Many glass ones fell out and shatterd on the pavement when I opened the door.  This one fell out as well.  Almost as if it were staring at me bc this month is the Boston Marathon.  

Life is crazy.  We accumulate awards, medals, promotions, trophies, gold watches, whatever.........  Guess what.  They all get shoved in a bucket, stuffed in a box in a shed, or shatter on pavement.  The "awards" that matter are the impacts you have on others around you.  The ones you give yourself each DAY for a job well done or a spirit you were able to lift.  We can also give a medal to those that lift us when we are down.  A genuine "Thank You" can help them put a medal in their bucket.  

Lets keep filling the bucket!

Love you all 

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