
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hi all,
As a trainer, whether I'm in the club or in the grocery store, people often ask me about nutrition and exercise.  The types of questions asked are along the lines of:  "What diet should I follow?",  they will point to an area (thighs or belly) and say: "How do I get rid of this?", and then proceed to tell me what ab exercises they are doing.  Another favorite that I often personally get related to me is: "You're so thin.  Why do you need to run, workout, and  worry about nutrition?"  People want a quick easy to digest answer.  Because I firmly believe in the education process related to something as important as your health and quality of life, I say something along the lines of:  "That's a good question, but I would require A LOT more information and specific details regarding what you have been doing, your background, and my answers based on that information may be different for everyone."  I give them my email address or a complimentary personal training session, and POOF, I never hear from them again.  This has been my experience for 99% of the people who claim they desperately want your "secret" answers, and are "motivated" to get started.  This isn't just my experience either.  I've talked to countless trainers of the years that share the same.  I also know the percentages of health clubs across the US selling health club memberships and the percentage that actually use the facility. 
I'll spare the "Sales Tactics of closing and overcoming objections" seminar.  I think most of us have at least been to a huge chain of health clubs to experience hard selling techniques similar to the worst of used car dealerships.  I've been there, done that, and trained no less than a hundred sales reps to do just that over the years.  My problem is, and has always been WHY?  I shouldn't have to "sell" you on the importance of nutrition and exercise.  I shouldn't have to overcome a thousand objections (EXCUSES).  Nor should I have to peer pressure you into educating yourself on those topics with sound research and facts.  Its all relatively simple.  As a trainer, I am here to HELP you, not sell you.  I care enough about this stuff to devote my college years, post graduate certifications, time, energy, and personal experience to educate and transform people's lives.  Why is it that 100% of everyone claims they care, but roughly 1-2% actually "get it" and commit to something as important.  The rest will laugh off the donut, swing through Mcdonald's drive through on way home, waste an hour on an elliptical while reading a magazine, or order the latest magic pill/book based on some stupid show, claim, or infomercial. 
As a trainer that firmly believes in the principles of "Functional" training, its no surprise the comical stares I often get while having people flip a tire (There is a very real reason and physiological purpose that brings the whole body working together when done the right way) or while taking a group of people to do some running in the forest up an "actual" hill that doesn't flatten out with a push of a decline button.  Real "fitness" requires an investment and commitment to "get it".  Its not "torture"  Doing the right things with the right group of people can be FUN.  The results sure are.  People typically stay with good trainers and training groups for years.  I assure you that wouldn't happen if they did not find fulfillment, growth, and RESULTS. People invest so much of their time/energy in careers, financial security, or the quest to know all of the latest celebrity gossip.  Yet, when it comes to their own health, they "wing it".  There is much that is important in our lives, but one surely could not place a price tag on their health.
Its time to invite the people you care about to join you in your "fitness" journey.  It is truly an amazing journey that adds value, experiences, education, camaraderie, and life changing results.  We understand that we may not be able to change the words already written in the book of our lives, but we can certainly change how the story will end.  We can control what we can control.  Lets keep priorities where they need to be.  Eliminate excuses and take ACTION with our eyes always on the goal.  Always know the next step is taking you closer to the person you are meant to become.

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