
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Want to lose weight?

Hi all!

It is an absolutely GORGEOUS day today!  Art Loeb/N. Slope Connector also got its butt kicked making this particular morning a little more glorious.  After an injury induced layoff and  the dang norovirus attack last week, it was good to know that my body hasn't forgotten what to do when faced with a challenge.
I would like to revisit last week's email.  Some weeks I have limited time to hack away at an email, and last Thursday was one of those days.  I received some really great and uplifting responses, but I wasn't exactly satisfied due to a lack of clarity in the simple answers to it all.  So........  here you go.  My take in its simplest form:

Nutrition (Makes up 80% of your body composition goals!):  Stay away from everything white, processed, or fried.  Dark green leafy vegetables, healthy omega 3's, beans, nuts, and limited bright colored fruits/berries are your friends.  If God didn't make it, don't eat it.  Eat often (every 2-3 hours) for your metabolic state.  Workout first thing in the morning before breakfast and maintain that post exercise metabolic rate increase throughout the day.  Your body is constantly trying to balance itself.  Your goal is to get off the roller coaster ride and help your metabolism float along at a high rate.  Don't have a high metabolism?  Fake it!  Talk with your hands, chew gum, tap your feet, walk fast everywhere you go etc.  It all adds up!  Bottom line with nutrition is: Use your common sense, know portions, and stop making excuses.  You are what you eat!  Your body has the ability to fix itself of injuries, illnesses, and mood swings.  But if you put crap in, you're going to get crap out.

Exercise (the other 20% related to "fat" loss):  The key here is find a GOOD trainer!  I've been in a health club my entire life and also happen to be VERY observant.  Truth be told, 90+% of trainers out there SUCK!  They will make the weighing of investment/reward not seem worth it.  Most are either not knowledgeable enough, too knowledgeable with no people skills, or simply not experienced enough.  They don't understand assessment, progression, periodization, or have the ability to wear different hats with each client.  It HAS to be enjoyable, even FUN.  What is "fun" for one, may not be "fun" for another.  Its a relationship.  In order to tap your true potential and change your life, it is vital that you and your trainer know what will equate to the best results in the BIG picture.  A good trainer will steer you away from the scale and "weight" loss gimmicks and toward an education and quest to be the "healthiest" and "fittest" you that you can be.  Most people spend far more time choosing the right car than the right trainer for the direction they "claim" they want to go.

Of course there is a little more to it than the above, but keep it SIMPLE.  STOP using the excuse that you don't know what to eat, what to do b/c of the maddening overflow of too much information out there.  There will always be the next "diet", next pill, next magic piece of exercise equipment/machine.  (You all know my opinion on this one.  YOU are the "machine")
Use a little common sense and ACT!  A single step is the beginning.  One step leads to another.  As long as you don't stop and keep placing one foot in front of the other, you will be running towards your goal in no time.  But know, it does take time.  Nothing in life is worth obtaining is without an epic journey of overcoming obstacles, change, and growth.  One thing is for sure; You will not accomplish anything in life sitting still and not getting out of your comfort zone.  Its time to GROW.  Its time to EXPLORE.  Its time to DREAM.  Its time to ACT.  Its time to LIVE.  A great adventure is right outside of your door.  Don't wait for someone to knock in order to swing it open.  The dairy farmer doesn't stand in the middle of a pasture on a stool and a bucket waiting for the cow to back up to him.

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