
Thursday, May 2, 2013

No excuses

Hi everyone!
I've had a couple of clients cancel this week, so I've really taken advantage of the time to get in some training. ( I've got to focus for the next three months!)  I've had a hard time "focusing" for the last two years..... I explored the reasons why on a 4 hour run on Tuesday.  The meditation/running time did nothing but yield a bunch of "excuses" that I've done a good job selling myself as legitimate reasons.  I've blamed everything and everyone but myself.  The truth is that I've been in 'la la' land trying to figure out life, balance, career choices, family, and future.  I came to Brevard 2 1/2 years ago still in a fast paced, energetic, passionate whirlwind of a mode.  That has always been my pace.  Wide open, flat out, and a bit on the extreme side.  I believe in stretching limits to achieve the greatest you that you can be.  I want the same for the people I meet and train.  Its no secret that Brevard has a little bit of a different and laid back pace of life (That's not a bad thing!  That is a part of the balance).  People with the personality traits like myself are a rare thing here.  I felt very much alone and like a duck without its water.  I gave off energy and an intensity as I've always been known for, but I really didn't have much to feed off of.  Energy was going out, but little from any outside source was coming in.  Endurance sports are a lot like that.  You often train alone for long periods of time.  Without support, training partners, running clubs, or at least a few people that are as intense as you, etc., it can be just fade away....... UNLESS its in your blood and you have the tenacity of a weed!  More than anything, YOU have to take the steps to prevent the pull of the herd.  I, personally, have to stop rebelling and closing myself off to the people I simply can't find a way to respect or relate to.  (I'm working on that...)
Its the black sheep that get things done.  They are the ones that make their own path.  They are the ones that make the changes in the towns and world they want to see.  We have to go relentlessly in the direction our passions are driving us.  Its time to stop blaming our jobs, kids, spouses, injuries, lack of time, lack of know how, money, or other people.  Its time to boldly be who we were meant to be and stop giving a crap about what other people think.  Its time to confidently BE the light of the world.  Set some goals you care enough about to MAKE them happen no matter what obstacles stand in your way.  (You will most certainly face some obstacles.)  If transforming your life in more positive ways than you can imagine with the "journey" of the goal isn't important enough, you will get out of the car the first ditch you hit, and start hitchhiking.  You will end up in a car with some hippies forever giving up your God given direction for a ride towards someone else's destination.  Most people fall into the hitchhiking category.  They give up on their dreams for someone else's definition of reality.  (Thought about this the other day when someone asked me why I wouldn't get a dent fixed in my truck.  WHY would I?  Who am I trying to impress?  Its a TRUCK, and it does just fine getting me from A to B.  I really don't give a crap about your "status quo".  I've long matured from the ridiculous "keep up with Jones' mentality)  I also remember as a teenager leaving layers of rubber on the pavement at a particular intersection to hear someone yell in a sarcastic tone "That was soooo impressive"  If only that ignorant soul would have stopped to think that I was not doing anything in an attempt to "impress" anyone.  I was enjoying driving my freaking car and merely entertaining myself as usual.  Surely, we have better things to do than concern ourselves with "impressing" others. If you think God is impressed with the car you drive or the clothes you wear, think again...The way you think and act are uniquely yours.  Stop living to impress others and start embracing who/what you were created to be.  Follow YOUR dreams and stop jumping in a stranger's car to go along for the ride towards theirs.
As clients, you get this.  You can relate.  You have accepted the challenge, ignored the stares, doubts, and dinosaur aged thought related to "fitness" we are surrounded by.  I've heard and seen your testimonies in action and applaud your tenacity.  You inspire ME.  I have come to the realization that we are the black sheep of this town TOGETHER.  And we, together, can turn the heads of the herd.  Its time to be rebels with a cause and time for me to stop being a rebel without a clue.  What one thing can you do today to make the world around you a little brighter?

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