
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Yay Spring!

Hi All!

Its that time of year again....... VERY exciting.  The weather is perfect, people are getting outside, all sorts of races/activities are in full swing, and the "excuses" to get out and DO something are close to non existent. 

My Dad hasn't been on his road bike in about a year.  I convinced him to bike up to the parkway with me yesterday.  It was a reminder to look at things with fresh, exciting, and new "child-like" eyes.  There is something about the bond that is created with a person and their bike.  It was like watching two old friends reunited.  Just like the reuniting of two friends, I'm sure the thought of "I've missed you.  We need to hang out more often." was an unspoken conversation my Dad had with his bike on that ride.  I would bet his bike will make its way to his local bike shop for a tune up this week and it will not be neglected this summer.

A lot of us have similar thoughts this time of year.  Whether its a pair of trail shoes in the corner of your garage, the first triathlon of the year, or the first set of pushups to get ready for that bathing suit.  One thing I have learned over the years is that when you are "feeling it" take full advantage of the motivation.  It may not last long before "life" produces a few obstacles that allow excuses to creep back in and the motivation is gone again.  So, how can we keep the "fresh" eyes, excitement , and motivation?  Here are my personal "go to" ingredients:

  • Proactively motivate yourself EVERY day.  (Whatever motivates YOU..... DO it, and DO it daily)
  • Set a goal or several of them and schedule them on your calendar along with a daily plan to achieve them.  This leads to the next bullet.....
  • Make a "To Do" list each morning and check it off
  • Share your goals with every body you know
  • Get involved with a group/club that shares similar goals and surround yourself with their energy as often as you can
  • Stay away from negative people, lazy people, energy suckers, and all negative influences!
  • Find a mentor.  This person will share experience, motivate, and hold you accountable
  • Recruit new people into your journey.   (Their excitement and your role as their mentor is priceless)
  • Display your goals in as many places as you can so you can be visually reminded of them throughout your entire day
  • Use visualization often.  Picture yourself doing all that needs to be done daily in detail.  Picture yourself accomplishing your goal along with all of the emotions of the finish line you are reaching for.
  • Come up with some mantras and use them often.  That positive self talk can do wonders to get you through the tough parts or days that you just don't "feel" like it
  • Relax and enjoy the journey knowing you are becoming a better person with each step
Take advantage of the "newness" that every Spring naturally brings to us.  Its the beginning of AMAZING growth!

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