
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Wow, I almost forgot I had this "blog" site. ALOT has happened since my last post on here for sure. I came across this picture, and it struck me with a different meaning this time around. "Never stop exploring". Hmmmm. I think you all know where I stand on this one, but let me take it a little deeper. 

We all get exploration in a "road trip" kind of way. Or, maybe even a move to another part of the country or job change. How about we never stop exploring the growth that can happen within. I did a devotion this morning for some middle schoolers. The verse was 1 Cor. 9:24. You know the part, " in such a way as to get the prize".   I believe THAT part could equate to a variety actions or inactions. Go ALL OUT, run with perseverance, tenacity, or patience etc.  Today, it struck me that maybe "exploring" internally, externally, and spiritually, may be the perks of simply seeking, always moving, and faithfully taking more and more steps. Ahhhh, (faith) to confidently and without abandon take each step. Regardless of obstacles, pain, or thirst. I've been in my own little journey since I broke my neck (c2 snapped in 4 places)!  I thought my journey would be physical. NOPE. It is all mental. It's been 3 months since my new hardware was forever placed under my skull. Before my spill down the stairs, I was MISERABLE with the mundaneness, unfairness, and difficulty of life. NEGATIVE cancer had crept into my Psyche and I couldn't shake it.'s ME, the most positive, energetic, motivating, cock eyed optimist most of you know. The long story of domino effect life events that led to the dark place will not be discussed here. The key, was that I firmly believe God allowed me to snap my neck in order for me to take a breather and hit the "reset" button. I was excited to see what would be revealed. God showed me that I am even more impatient than I once believed. I walked 3 miles with a Halo screwed into my skull and attempted push-ups the first day I was out of  the hospital. WHY!?  What did I need to prove?  Was it to prove something? I still don't know. Am I supposed to patiently wait on God to reveal what will be new around the next bend on this exploratory journey? What does that look like?  I don't know that either, but I have a feeling it all comes right back to that word (FAITH). As long as I continue to seek, as long as I continue to trust, as long as I look for the good in the journey and give thanks for each step.....I may be moving in the right direction. God has something GREAT for me just over the next hill.....The key is to keep believing, keep forward progression, keep seeking HIS purpose. Who knows what you'll find waiting for you...  Who knows what you'll discover about yourself. Keep moving and KNOW the answers WILL come. Look for the beauty in the journey. It's THERE!  Happy exploring to you....

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