
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sometimes we need to slow down

Hi all,
I apologize for not sending this yesterday. I simply could not seem to find the time. I canceled a few appointments today in an attempt to catch up a bit. As I do so, I notice a gift one of my sons gave me sitting on my desk. It reads:
"Walk a little slower Daddy."
Said a child so small.
"I'm following in your footsteps and I don't want to fall.
Sometimes your steps are very fast,
Sometimes they're hard to see.
So walk a little slower, Daddy
For you are leading me.
Someday when I'm all grown up,
You're what I want to be.
Then I will have a little child who'll want to follow me.
And I would want to lead just right,
And know that I was true.
So walk a little slower, Daddy,
For I must follow you."
I keep this by my computer as a constant reminder of where my priorities are. Every day, I tell myself that I will do better, that I will learn to say "NO" so that I'm not so overwhelmed, stressed, and lose sight of the father I want to be. Its gotten a bit out of hand lately and I have found myself back out of control and giving my family the worst possible impatient, no fun, and zombie like leftovers at the end of the day. A lot of people regain a clear head in several ways. My way is to simply lace up my shoes and head out the door. Any run will do, but its the LONG ones that allow me to come back uncluttered, positive, hopeful, and focused. Its been too long! A lot of people use the Labor Day weekend as a time to enjoy their family and refocus. Its a long weekend. Maybe get a double dose of clarity with a long run, bike, or hike this weekend. Enjoy! And try to soak up every moment. Time is soooooooo very precious. Use it wisely. Take every step in the way you would want a child to follow.
Take a second to hear this song EVERY day:

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Test your limits

Hi all! 
The weather just keeps getting better and better!  Fall is in the air.  That means perfect temperatures for my outside activities.  Thats one less excuse I can make for not getting out the door.
I have an upcoming race that has snuck up on me.  I haven't been training.  I'm slow as an asthmatic fat kid and all around feel horrible.  Unfortunately, I can't back out of this one because I have teammates counting on me.  Due to this fact, I have to train whether I want to or not.  I began the week not very motivated and quite intimidated by recent race times of the runners I will be joining in a few weeks for a little 200 mile trek from Virginia to Asheville.  When I'm not in the "mood", and my head is simply not in it, I absolutely have to engulf myself in things that I know will motivate me.  One of those things has been to google David Goggins.  Its been a while, so I thought I was due a dose of some "suck it up" pills.  I came across one of his blogs and found a lot of insights that I once possessed more of.  He HATES running, but still does it, and to a degree that few of us can relate to.  So...... WHY does he push himself to the absolute limits of the human body and mind?  Because thats where he grows.  I too believe we learn FAR more from pain than from comfort.  I even have a tattoo between my shoulders from a passage in Romans that states "Rejoice in your suffering..........."  Too bad it not visibly where I can constantly be reminded of this.  When I ran 5ks, it was hard to imagine racing twice that with a 10k.  I've been around tons of people that have signed up for a half marathon and after completion, not fathom doubling the 13.1 distance.  I too once thought 26.2 miles was more than I could rap my brain around.  Eventually though after running a 100 miles in a day, you look at a marathon the way you once looked at a 5k.  The discomfort is relative and the growth through each experience transforms you and your way of thinking.
Too often we begin to grow complacent and complain if everything isn't perfect.  We want to be comfortable, have life simply glide by with our feet propped up and be completely stress free.  How quickly we forget that being out of your comfort zone is where you truly experience life.  Absolutely glorious life changing things happen in the valley.  Thats the place you learn more about yourself, others, and decipher what life is all about.  All the "junk" goes away and the focus on what truly is important becomes crystal clear.  I used to CHOOSE to put myself in those moments far more often than I do now.  Why on earth would anybody choose pain?  Because we thirst for life and all that we can suck out of it's experiences.  Thats why we're the one percent.  We keep pushing for more.  I don't want to be near the end of my earthly life wishing I had given just a little bit more.  So how can you know where your limits are if you're not challenging them on a daily basis.  When was the last time you gave it EVERYthing you had?  When was the last time you signed up for something that scared the crap out of you?  You felt unprepared, did it anyway, and came out a new person completely transformed.
Its that time again.  Just Do It!  I know people that have done triathlons with a borrowed or rented bike.  I witnessed the first 1/2 Ironman completed by a double amputee.  I have heard stories that still boggle my mind of mental fortitude and miraculous/inspirational feats of the human spirit.  Its time again to rediscover your spirit!  As Goggins once said: Its time to push beyond the mental/physical, and "Test the limits of the human soul"

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Life by the horns

Hi all,
I want to thank those of you that have taken the August challenge seriously and those that have shared with me their success, challenges, and upcoming goals.
As most of you know, I have two small boys that have started back to school, and this time of year is a little more stressful than usual.  So, the August routine solidification has been tough on me as well.  I've had my slip-ups, have had my list of excuses, and have had my total loss of motivation at times. But, we better keep on rowing and adjusting the rutter.
I've been at a very pivotal point lately due to time constraints.  I've pulled out of races that I have already registered for, sold my mountain bike, and just recently considered selling my road bike.  I catch myself saying things like "I just don't have the time, energy, or motivation."  By the time I am home, fix dinner, and help kids with homework, its time to go to bed, wake up and do it all over again while my kids and dog look at me like I am a distant stranger.  Hahahaha,....I'm starting to speak in chunks rather than complete sentences because it takes less time.  I need to do laundry, dishes, cut grass, finish building tree house, get oil changed, clean cars, fix faucet, on and on and on and on......Where is the spare time/energy to "workout", much less "train" for anything!  "Why bother if I only have 30 minutes to run?"  Maybe its time to shift away from training and more toward staying "fit".  HOLY CRAP!  What kind of mental disease has crept into my brain?  I wish I had enough flexibility for a good swift kick to my own ass or a strong punch directly between my own warped viewing eyes.
If I let myself continue thinking that way, I will end up allowing life to run me vs. me running life.  Right now life is kicking the shit out of a lot of us.  Its time to take a stand and start kicking the shit out of life.  I'm pretty sick and tired of feeling run over all of the time and left for dead in the middle of the road.  Its time to jump into the drivers seat of the truck that ran you over, blare the horn and dare someone to step out in front of you as you barrel down the road toward the person you were meant to become.
The excuses STOP! and you GO!
Its amazing how many of us have a thousand reasons why we can't do something we want to do when all we really need is one reason why we can.  Excuses are the tools a person with no purpose or vision uses to build great monuments of emptiness. 
"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own.  You don't blame on your mother, the ecology, or the president.  You realize that YOU control your own destiny"...........................Albert Ellis
Its time to turn that pivotal moment into a decision that you will take control of your life and LIVE it.  You and those around you will benefit far more if you're not lying dead in the middle of the road.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

No excuses

How are YOU doing with your goals this month?  What effort have you, will you, make today in the pursuit
I am asking that you share with me a goal you picked for October as well as what you are doing each day to prepare.  August was to be the month to hammer down a routine and form some great habits.  I like the accountability of sharing that.  (You can simply respond to me, and not all)  Its not easy forming new habits in exchange for some bad ones that we need to drop!  But, we CAN do it.  We can push through those rough patches and come out the other side a much free-er and happier version of ourselves. 
In watching the Olympics, I am reminded just how much of our pursuit is mental.  It is heart breaking to see talented athletes who have devoted years of training for one event crumble under pressure because of the mind.  Weeks ago, I typed a newsletter revolving around our minds, thoughts, and self talk.  I conquered a particular trail run because I was determined to not let myself conform to negative thoughts, attitudes, or efforts.  This week, I tackled the same route and crumbled.  Why?  My head was not in the right place.  I allowed too many negative thoughts to creep in that eventually overcame my "attempt" to change my thoughts from negative to positive.  You know my feelings on "attempting" to do something.  I am a firm believer that you have to make your mind up to DO or not do.  If you give yourself too many choices, you may give in and listen to the little lying voice that says: "You can't", "Its too hot"  or "You're too tired".  When you listen to that and believe it, red flags should be flying!  Its time to take the mental preparation VERY seriously or you will become an excuse oriented person that falls way short of your potential on a daily basis minute by minute.  The preparation is where its at.  More time should be devoted to getting your head straight.  Whether that's starting your day staring at your goal in the mirror, listening to your most motivating music, prayer, video, or talking with a mentor, its got to happen.  And its got to happen more often than you think.  Don't allow a single negative thought to creep in.  Negative thoughts and actions are cumulative and can transform you into someone you were not created to be without you even recognizing its happening.  You end up in a rut.  Then the day comes that you realize you're in a rut wondering how in the heck you got there.  The only way out is to throw it in four wheel drive and sling some mud, or have a friend pull you out with a chain.
"Be driven by excellence.  To be driven by excellence so at the end of the day, each month, each year, and indeed at the end of life itself, we must ask one important question:  Have we demanded enough of ourselves, and by our example, inspired those around us to put forth their best effort and achieve their greatest potential?"............Richard Huseman
A few of you have seen this commercial a few times, but find it fitting to post.  No excuses.  Just Do It.