
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Life by the horns

Hi all,
I want to thank those of you that have taken the August challenge seriously and those that have shared with me their success, challenges, and upcoming goals.
As most of you know, I have two small boys that have started back to school, and this time of year is a little more stressful than usual.  So, the August routine solidification has been tough on me as well.  I've had my slip-ups, have had my list of excuses, and have had my total loss of motivation at times. But, we better keep on rowing and adjusting the rutter.
I've been at a very pivotal point lately due to time constraints.  I've pulled out of races that I have already registered for, sold my mountain bike, and just recently considered selling my road bike.  I catch myself saying things like "I just don't have the time, energy, or motivation."  By the time I am home, fix dinner, and help kids with homework, its time to go to bed, wake up and do it all over again while my kids and dog look at me like I am a distant stranger.  Hahahaha,....I'm starting to speak in chunks rather than complete sentences because it takes less time.  I need to do laundry, dishes, cut grass, finish building tree house, get oil changed, clean cars, fix faucet, on and on and on and on......Where is the spare time/energy to "workout", much less "train" for anything!  "Why bother if I only have 30 minutes to run?"  Maybe its time to shift away from training and more toward staying "fit".  HOLY CRAP!  What kind of mental disease has crept into my brain?  I wish I had enough flexibility for a good swift kick to my own ass or a strong punch directly between my own warped viewing eyes.
If I let myself continue thinking that way, I will end up allowing life to run me vs. me running life.  Right now life is kicking the shit out of a lot of us.  Its time to take a stand and start kicking the shit out of life.  I'm pretty sick and tired of feeling run over all of the time and left for dead in the middle of the road.  Its time to jump into the drivers seat of the truck that ran you over, blare the horn and dare someone to step out in front of you as you barrel down the road toward the person you were meant to become.
The excuses STOP! and you GO!
Its amazing how many of us have a thousand reasons why we can't do something we want to do when all we really need is one reason why we can.  Excuses are the tools a person with no purpose or vision uses to build great monuments of emptiness. 
"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own.  You don't blame on your mother, the ecology, or the president.  You realize that YOU control your own destiny"...........................Albert Ellis
Its time to turn that pivotal moment into a decision that you will take control of your life and LIVE it.  You and those around you will benefit far more if you're not lying dead in the middle of the road.

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