
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

No excuses

How are YOU doing with your goals this month?  What effort have you, will you, make today in the pursuit
I am asking that you share with me a goal you picked for October as well as what you are doing each day to prepare.  August was to be the month to hammer down a routine and form some great habits.  I like the accountability of sharing that.  (You can simply respond to me, and not all)  Its not easy forming new habits in exchange for some bad ones that we need to drop!  But, we CAN do it.  We can push through those rough patches and come out the other side a much free-er and happier version of ourselves. 
In watching the Olympics, I am reminded just how much of our pursuit is mental.  It is heart breaking to see talented athletes who have devoted years of training for one event crumble under pressure because of the mind.  Weeks ago, I typed a newsletter revolving around our minds, thoughts, and self talk.  I conquered a particular trail run because I was determined to not let myself conform to negative thoughts, attitudes, or efforts.  This week, I tackled the same route and crumbled.  Why?  My head was not in the right place.  I allowed too many negative thoughts to creep in that eventually overcame my "attempt" to change my thoughts from negative to positive.  You know my feelings on "attempting" to do something.  I am a firm believer that you have to make your mind up to DO or not do.  If you give yourself too many choices, you may give in and listen to the little lying voice that says: "You can't", "Its too hot"  or "You're too tired".  When you listen to that and believe it, red flags should be flying!  Its time to take the mental preparation VERY seriously or you will become an excuse oriented person that falls way short of your potential on a daily basis minute by minute.  The preparation is where its at.  More time should be devoted to getting your head straight.  Whether that's starting your day staring at your goal in the mirror, listening to your most motivating music, prayer, video, or talking with a mentor, its got to happen.  And its got to happen more often than you think.  Don't allow a single negative thought to creep in.  Negative thoughts and actions are cumulative and can transform you into someone you were not created to be without you even recognizing its happening.  You end up in a rut.  Then the day comes that you realize you're in a rut wondering how in the heck you got there.  The only way out is to throw it in four wheel drive and sling some mud, or have a friend pull you out with a chain.
"Be driven by excellence.  To be driven by excellence so at the end of the day, each month, each year, and indeed at the end of life itself, we must ask one important question:  Have we demanded enough of ourselves, and by our example, inspired those around us to put forth their best effort and achieve their greatest potential?"............Richard Huseman
A few of you have seen this commercial a few times, but find it fitting to post.  No excuses.  Just Do It.

1 comment:

  1. I just received a response with a very valid request related to a few terms I threw out a few weeks ago. I made a statement that August would be the month to stop "working out" and to start "training". "Whats the difference?" "What is my definition?"

    A lot of people "work out" or fool themselves into thinking they are "working out" in order to tell people they "work out". A picture of the folks reading a book while on the elliptical or flopping their legs around while they hold onto the handles of a treadmill come to mind. I view workouts as more of a mindless routine like brushing your teeth. Sure, we workout to be "fit". We brush our teeth so they don't fall out, but I doubt we have a picture of a black toothed or no toothed individual taped to our bathroom mirror to motivate us or remind us why we're brushing our teeth.

    "Training" is far more specific and requires a much more focused mindset. There is a clear goal in mind and we are working specifically to accomoplish that one thing at all costs. Everything we do must pose the question: "Is this helping me accomplish my goal?" Every part of your day is consumed by the goal. Your workouts are planned, and every single repetition has a purpose. Its more of periodization with chunks of time devoted to strengthen one aspect that will lead to be stronger in another causing an escalating domino effect to peak at your highest level. It requires a lot of planning with a BIG picture mindset that motivates you to take the proper steps and commit. Every calorie you place in your mouth is done so with the question: "Is this making me a healthier, sharper, faster, stronger individual?" Every minute of sleep and every second of the day is planned with the prize in mind. You do your homework and research. You educate yourself.

    As a runner, "working out" would be called "junk" miles. Mindless miles run at the same pace or even on the same route day in and day out just because you can say you ran.

    "Training" is choosing a goal race 6 months down the road and taking the time to plan every single workout with a purpose. I will know how many miles I am running each week. I will know how many miles are dione at tempo pace, race pace, easy pace, or interval pace. I will know what my long run will be each week. I will know what week my mileage will peak, and what week I start my taper before race day. I know what nutritional changes I will need to make and how much sleep I will need each night to recover. 6 months before my goal race I will already know what I will eat the three days before the race. I will have to be very specific and stick to the plan the best I can to avoid injury and to reach the starting line in good form. Its a VERY fine line and requires constant focus.

    It doesn't matter if its running, ice skating, or that red dress in your closet. "Training" is a mindset and a heightened sense of focus/awareness. "Working out" is a broad view on the parkway seeing nothing but sky and trees. "Training" is a view through a pair of binoculars from a mile away of a red headed woodpecker attacking a hole of a white pine tree.
