
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Age is a stupid number

Hi all!
I came across an article in the last Running Times that reminded me that it is never too late. Its about a 56 year old that started a running comeback at age 44 after quitting a pack a day smoking habit.
Best times AFTER turning 50:
5k: 16:21
8k: 27:27
10k: 33:30
10m: 55:35
Half Marathon: 1:13:29
Marathon: 2:38:44
HOW? He trained more than he ever has and did it consistently. He "trained". I've heard and seen countless aged 50 and beyond that have done nothing more over the years than accumulate more and more excuses. They begin comparing themselves with others of their age. Some begin talking and acting like their peers more and more as time goes by. "Act your age" they'll say. Ohhh, but then there are the true standout individuals that act on how young they feel and want to truly be the person they believe they can be. Don't be the person that ages and builds a case against themselves. Don't be your worst enemy. Its all in how you SEE yourself. We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves. You can't consistently perform in a manner that is consistent with the way you SEE yourself.
Determine to multiply your commitment, divide your distractions, subtract your excuses, and add to your faith. The first key victory you must win is over yourself: "Stay out of your own way" (David Blunt)

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