
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hi all!
Last week, I found myself staring at the calendar in my office with all of the zeros. That's how I keep up with my running. I write a number and circle it along with any notes of the route I run. A circle around a zero just doesn't sit well on the eyes, much less so in the pursuit of goals. Feeling far less than fit, I made an attempt to pull out of the Blue Ridge Relay. I shot an email to the team captain:
"I am not too thrilled about being the weak link this year. I haven't trained. My job and family responsibilities have absolutely kicked my ass this summer. If there is a sub out there in better shape than an 18 minute 5k, they can have my spot on the team." I was SERIOUS! I knew my best week of running may have been like 40 miles worth of junk when I would be racing with/against guys running a HUNDRED and forty miles a week!
Response received: "TRENT! MAN UP!"
That is exactly what I needed to hear! At times, its what we all need to hear. Next thing I know, I'm in a van headed to Virginia trying to get my head prepared for what I knew my body was not prepared for. My knees were weak. I was nauseous. My palms were sweaty. I couldn't make eye contact with anyone and barely spoke a word. Out of 150 teams of 1,500 runners a team from Knoxville, TN and ours were the last to leave Grayson State Park in Virginia at 1:30pm. It was already quite intense in the parking lot as I sensed the confidence from the Knoxville team who had just come off a 3rd place finish at the Hood to Coast relay. My first leg of the 210 mile race wasn't until 7pm or so. I was the 9th runner of the 12 on our team. That meant my anxiety continued to build as the drama unfolded between the two teams. By the time it was my turn, we had created a 2 minute lead over the Knoxville team. (VERY close when considering the distance left in this race.) My mind and body was NOT ready. I haven't raced but once this whole year! "Oh crap, here comes runner 8. Time to go!" "Just do it! Just keep pushing! WHY am I doing this!? Ohh the pain! Keep digging! Don't give an inch! Muscle is mere rubber. What I am , I am because of my mind!" 5.5 miles later foaming at the mouth and eyes rolling back in my head, I hand the baton off to runner 10. Anxiety instantly gone! My body may still not be ready for this two more times, but my mind sure is! Bring it on! "I may not be the fastest one out here, and goodness knows its been years since I remotely considered myself a runner, but my mind is ready to force my body to push beyond its current limits."
Within seconds of completing my first leg I was ashamed for having attempted to bail out of this race. Amazing things happen when you just freaking DO IT! I would have missed out on conquering my mind and an unbelievable transforming experience. I would have missed watching some of the country's best runners battle it out and literally pour all of themselves out onto the back roads of Virginia and North Carolina. I witnessed what the human body is capable of and what the human spirit can endure. I was still a weak link, but I was a link. I was still a part of something greater than myself which is always an ingredient to WANT to be better. 20 hours and 45 minutes after starting, we crossed the line as winners of the Blue Ridge Relay for the 2nd year in a row with an average pace of 5m55sec per mile for 210 miles with 27,000 feet of elevation change. We have very few moments in our journey to grab life changing experiences. Even if you're not prepared. Even if you're scared and nervous. Even if you want to crawl in a fetal position and cry for your momma. JUST DO IT! Don't back down. Don't ever back down. Ohhhhhh, its so good to be back! For the first time in 2 years, my mind is ready to train. I know my body will follow. Can't wait for the mind and body to meet at next year's race. "Man Up!" We need to take every opportunity to do just that. Thanks Frankie!

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