
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hi all!
I visited my parents this past weekend. That meant I got to run in my old stomping grounds. I got to hit my favorite 8 and 16 mile loops. On the 16 mile trail loop, I ran into a few old biking/triathlon training friends mountain biking that I haven't seen in years. Training partners aren't like normal friends. I haven't spoken to them in quite a while, but we all knew exactly what each other has been up to. (These kinda friends google race results every weekend) The conversations are always 100% related to training, races, and results. Those friends are friends that you can talk nutrition, interval training, injuries, a way that you can't talk to other people. We can say "Fartlek" and not crack a grin because we incorporate it into our training each week. We relate and know very well what the other person is speaking and feeling. The conversation was brief (We were in the middle of our workout for goodness sake), but it was enough for another dose of motivation. Training partners are also your competition. I was instantly ready to get back to the triathlon world just to see how I would stack up against them now. Good training partners, like teammates, want to see you succeed. They won't allow you to sabotage yourself with poor nutritional choices, excuses, or training layoffs. The reason is simple; If you're healthy, fit, and focused, you make each other better. Together, you end up making a better you than you could make on your own.
I've typed a few emails related to training partners and surrounding yourself with positive energy GIVERS. It may be time to again evaluate those around you.
Are they supportive of your goals?
Do they speak the same language?
Do they make you stronger physically?
Do they make you stronger mentally?
Do they energize you?
Do they motivate you?
Do they hold you accountable?
Do they consistently push you to levels of fitness that you would not be able to accomplish on your own?
Do they pull up your training logs on the internet and review them more than you do? Hahaha (96 miles last week total Drew? Really? DANG MAN! I gotta step it up!)
Its time for some Fall cleaning. Limit your time with the energy suckers of the world. Be an energy giver and surround yourself with "training" partner type friendships a little more.

1 comment:

  1. Health and fitness are most essential for all the people. So try to maintain it by doing exercise and eating balanced diet.
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