
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hi all,
At times, I wonder why we do what we do. Sometimes, I brush off the question with not much thought, and do it anyway. Often times, regretting the decision later. So, why do I continue on with the same thought processes (or lack of thought process)? I've found, if I think too much about a challenge, I have a tendency to think about all of the reasons I should not do something vs thinking about all the reasons that I should. Some of the most memorable and priceless moments in my life have come from experiences I would not remotely jump into if I would have applied any sort of "logic". I've responded so often to ridiculous proposals, I anticipate my immediate response. "Sure! Lets do it!"
Last week I was asked, "Hey, do you want to run the entire Art Loeb (33 miles of 9,000 feet vertical!) next Saturday?" Without much thought, my answer was "Sure, I'll commit to that." WHAT?! Absolutely no "logic" or thought went into my answer. "Most" people would plan something like that wellll in advance with tons of specific training leading up to the day of misery. Truth be told though, I would probably never do much of anything if I waited until I was "ready". You just have to "DO" and have the mentality that the "doing" is getting you a little more prepared for the next ridiculous challenge. "Doing" in this case, with no prep, will leave me crippled for the next few months. But, not "doing" may lead to a good chance I miss an incredible opportunity and experience at an absolutely gorgeous time of the year. Bring it on! I'm sure I'll learn/experience something new. I'll take the learning, growth, pain, emotional ups and downs over stagnant, stale, same ole same ole any day.
As a trainer, I try to encourage people to tackle new challenges all of the time. I don't care if its a 5k, a hike, a bike ride, or a full marathon. More often than not, I hear, "I'm not ready for that" Stop over thinking, and just DO it. Life is FAR too short. Take a hold of every single opportunity you can and never let go of the willingness to embrace new and different experiences. Do NOT let yourself say, "I'll do it next year" You and I both know that won't happen. Carpe Diem. We don't have that many to seize in our lifetimes. The time is NOW!

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