
Friday, October 26, 2012

Hi everyone,
More than a few thousand times I've come across people that are unhappy with their health, nutrition, weight, fitness etc... Yet, they don't seem to care too much about DOing anything about it. I am often in the same boat on this one. Many of you have heard my rants in the last few years of how out of shape I am and how I don't have time to train anymore. In reality, thats BULL SHIT! I made the comment of how out of shape I was last week at the front desk after a very brief and dinky 15 minute workout that more than humbled me. Amanda simply said, "Well...Do something about it!"
Thats as simple and as true as it can get. "DO something about it." In other words, "Stop whining. Stop complaining. Stop wishing. Simply DO." The stumbling obstacle for many people is the effort that goes into the doing. They, by definition, are doing, but the effort is a joke. By "doing", they have fooled themselves to believe they are "doing" all that they can. Think again..............
RESULTS take unwavering commitment, dedication, planning, execution, and yes.........much of the time it is NOT comfortable, convenient, or pain free. Hmmmmm......."Pain" free. We've talked about that before. Many of us are afraid to admit or think about the fact that if we've let ourselves go for 2, 10, or 30 years, its going to be a LONGGGG road of redemption. The journey doesn't have to be miserable. But, you may have to embrace discomfort. You may have to embrace a WHOLE heck of a lot of discomfort if you want to speed the process along. Don't misunderstand this email. Many of us haven't remotely tapped into what "pain" and discomfort we can endure or need to endure to accomplish what we "say" we want to accomplish. The point is the self discovery and positive transformations that can occur as a result of pushing past preconceived limits. If you don't embrace the storm, you may never see the calm and amazing beauty of the rainbow.
Life, like an ultramarathon has amazing opportunities to redeem yourself. No matter how awful things get, how searing the pain you're in, salvation awaits.
Its time to up the intensity, to break down walls, raise the bar, and transform ourselves mentally and physically.
"You only ever grow as a human being if you're outside of your comfort zone." ..........Percy Cerutty
"It's only when I get to a place where all my physical and psychological warning lights are flashing red, and then run beyond it, that I hit the sweet spot.".........Scott Jurek
"If you're not on the edge, you are taking up too much room."...........Randy Savage

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