
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Whats next?

Hi all!,

You all know Tyler and I ran the Art Loeb last Saturday. You also know I wasn't overly excited. I anticipated pain, exhaustion, and ridiculous soreness for the days that would follow. Like every long run, I learned several valuable lessons.

  • Most of the time in life, what we worry about, fear, and anticipate do not happen.
  • Things are rarely ever as painful as we anticipate them to be.
  • The "journey" is amazing.
  • It doesn't matter where the destination is or how long it takes to get there as long as you keep moving forward and are genuinely thankful for each step.
  • If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you.
  • Your mindset is everything.
  • Gummi Bears are amazing!
These are just a few lessons of a Saturday long run. Sometimes it takes jumping into something you perceive as epic in order to break down the barriers that hold you back from experiencing greater adventures. If you are not having those clarifying moments, you may not be challenging your mind/body nearly enough. If you only do the things that you "feel" you could do, then I promise you are not going to reach another level. Every once in a while, we need to take a huge bite out of something that scares the absolute shit out of us. So.... whats next? Foot Hills trail November 16 and 17 sounds about mind boggling enough. I'm in! So.......What is next for YOU?

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