
Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Hi all!
I hope each of you had a very Merry Christmas. It always seems quite the blur, then........ POOF, it's over and we wonder where it went. I always get a bit sad in the days following Christmas. Its always a reminder that another year is gone, my kids' lives are flashing before my eyes, and a rare opportunity to spend time with family went by in a blink. Some times those pain points can motivate you to make moments in the next year count even more. I didn't do a very good job last year of making the time that matters matter. There have been a lot of tragic events lately that are certainly reminding me more and more of what is truly important in life. So............ What do we DO with that? Many of us "say" that we will make drastic changes in the moments that shake us to the core, but few of us actually follow through with that and end up saying the same dern thing the next time while also regretting another year that could have been better.
We have all heard the steps before and New Year's is always a time we hear things like: Set small and tangible goals, set realistic goals, buddy up etc....... Hows all that been working for you this year? Are you still accomplishing what you set out to accomplish this time last year? Was this year better than last? Do you even remember what your resolutions were last Jan.? Reflect back on this year and think about where the majority of your time was spent. What were you DOing the majority of the time? Where you spend most of your time says a lot about who you are and what your results at the end of the day, the year, or this life will be. Your current choices, whether you admit this or not, will determine your future.
I, for one, have been the worst over the last few years about sticking to the goal, the plan, the convictions, or living the mantra "No regrets". I've been fumbling around trying to find my place, my purpose, my motivation, and at times, my mind. Its time for a change! Its time to PLAN. Its time to BE who I was meant to BE. Its time to DO the things I was created to DO. Its time to TAKE the chances. Its time to GIVE. Its time to EXPLORE. Its time to LIVE the dream. Its time to be honest with ourselves, recognize an "excuse" for what it is, and give ourselves large doses of "suck it up" pills. Its time to again say what we mean and mean what we say. Its time to not just say we will make some positive changes, but to spend each moment DOing things that will make the next moment better. We owe it to those around us, the God that created us, and to ourselves. Its TIME!

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