
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hi all,
Bill Rodgers once said, "If you want to win a race, you have to go a little berserk." That doesn't just count for racing. I believe you have to go a little berserk if you want to accomplish anything worth accomplishing. You have to let all sense of order disappear, throw away rational thought, and go for the goal with total abandonment. You've seen that look in other people's eyes. Its a reckless craziness deep in their eyes that transforms every expression and movement. And, yes......................throwing all rational thought out the window for a bit is full of all sorts of risk. Its also very liberating. The rewards "can" be rare, but that kind of reward cannot be obtained unless you put it all on the line and get a little crazy. Most people get this, but far too often it comes in brief spurts. The risky "go all out" is quickly overtaken by self doubt, fear of failure, pain, someone else's rationalization, or any number of negative self talk/influences. At times you simply have to turn all of the other junk off, dig deep within yourself, and get in the zone of berserk until you are so focused in the moment you're in that nothing outside of that moment exists. With practice, we can tap into that craziness anytime we dig deep and actually use pain, fear, anger, or what others say as fuel.
Be honest. When was the last time you got a little crazy? When was the last time you broke into an all out sprint until your body simply shut down before your mind could talk your body into quitting? When was the last time you stepped out on the edge, risked it all, and broke down the walls of comfort just to see where it could take you?  What about your dreams?  When was the last time you persued those in "the zone" and saw them through vs. trading them for reality?
Today is the day to get a little crazy!

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