
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hi all!,
I'm not going to lie. This morning, I'm not very "happy". I haven't run in 3 weeks due to what I am guessing is a muscle pull or, I dare not say, sports related hernia. Those of you that can relate, know I'm on the edge of snapping or a trip to a mental institution. This is the 3rd injury I've incurred in the past few years! Injuries SUCK! I've voiced many times how your body adapts to what you throw its way very quickly. That goes for both positive and negative stimuli. The chemical and hormonal chaos that ensues when you take away something that produced positive results in body/brain function is something that can wreak havoc on every aspect of your life. It always seems these things happen when you set some lofty goals and at times when things are going right on schedule. Its not just athletic goals either. We all can relate to FINALLY stashing some savings away, and BAM....the washing machine kicks the dust.
Its just a part of life. Road blocks and speed bumps are at every turn. One quote says it well: '"Its not the storm we are weathering, but the set of the sail that determines our success!" We can't see the wind, but we can adjust to the direction it is blowing. Were you in the habit of running each morning before work when it was light out? Then, BAM.... the time changed. You're now faced with darkness and use it as an excuse while complaining your "routine" is now disrupted? Get a freaking headlamp! Embrace the dark adventure!
Athletes are some of the best people I know at overcoming the unforeseen wind. You get kicked in the face at the start of a triathlon and your goggles go "poof". You have a flat tire on the bike portion. You spend a lifetime training for a spot in the Olympics and snap your hamstring on the final 200 meter turn toward the finish. We've all seen the hard to watch triathletes in the Ironman stumbling to the finish so dehydrated they can't stand up. They go from a stumbling run to a fall. From an attempt to walk to a fall. They get up, fall, get up, fall, get up, and fall. They then proceed to crawl on all fours to cross the line. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl. The key is to never, ever stop the forward momentum toward the goal ahead. By nature, many of us are impatient, and want the goal now. Some of us cave when things don't go just so. This is a reminder to myself and to you that we need to persevere no matter what. Be patient, keep the goal in site, and keep moving. Even if you have to detour, blast through, or jump over a wreck in front of you. I guess I'll jump on the bike again today. That first trail run with no pain is going to be oh so sweet.

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