
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hi all,

Its the first day of Spring!!! Its definitely time for a little Spring cleaning, and its not the garage I'm talking about. Its time to pull out your last list of goals and evaluate where you are in the pursuit. Its time to set some new ones as well. As you stare at your piece of paper, I want you to also jot down all of the things you are going to clean up that is getting in the way of accomplishing those goals.

A lot of us go into Spring wishing we had done a little more during the winter to not make that first bike ride or 5k miserable. It starts to get warm, and we freak out when thinking about putting on that swim suit. This isn't a time for regret. Its time for ACTION. Take your list of things that are keeping you from your goals and literally burn them. As that list turns to ashes, turn and put 100% forward momentum into your goals. With self placed road blocks out of the way, things become a whole lot clearer. Now you can write a precise plan for each goal. Make it very specific. Right down to every minute of every day. Take a great deal of time on this plan, because this is the road map that will take you on a tremendous journey this year. The more vague it is, the easier it will be to miss a turn or two. Missing a turn or two is all it takes to get lost and not reach your destination or potential.

As you visualize your destination and how good its going to feel when you get there, place the road map in a place you will see it every day. Don't lose the map! Turn the radio up and enjoy the ride!

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