Hi all!
Its been another great training week.  22 trail miles run up and over two mountain ranges on Tuesday and a 3 hour bike ride on the parkway yesterday.  One observation I've had since living here is how few "local" people, comparatively, take advantage of the amazing "natural" gym we have at our door steps.  The people I see out on the trails are not from here.  The people I see on the parkway all have out of state tags.  I don't get it... I may never get it.  This next statement will not be a surprise to the people that know me, but may seem a bit strange coming from someone that has spent their career in a health club.  You may need to get OUT of the gym to get IN shape.  Get off of the treadmill and run some actual miles.  Get off of the spin bike and get on an actual road or mountain bike.  Get up off of the bench and onto more "functional" movements that fit with how your body is made to move in real life.  More and more fitness professionals in the industry are spreading this message to the masses.  "Body building" style workouts are dead.  There are quite a few people out there that "look" like they are in great shape.  The "body builders" in clubs seem to always get asked questions about how to do something.  These are the same guys people call when they need help moving.  Haha.... Then its discovered.  They couldn't run up a flight of steps without killing over.  More and more clubs out there are getting rid of their weight machines to make more room to actually move.  Think about it.....  The average working person sits all day at work and then comes to the gym to "sit" on a piece of equipment.  That makes very little to no sense.  I could go on and on with this, but the end result for this routine is an individual that is unbalanced with no sense of how to get their bodies to work together in movements it was intended to perform.  The mind/body connection is gone.  They have to look in the mirror to see what their right arm is doing.  Its ridiculous.  Don't get me wrong here.  I'm not anti-health clubs. Well...... for the most part.  I am anti time wasting.  Life is short.  Its time to experience it.  Its time to try something new.  Its time to step OUT from time to time and ride or run in a way that actually gets you somewhere.  I am posting a great article below that was shared with me a few weeks ago that may, if anything, force you to look at what you may currently be doing, a little bit differently.  I know that most of you get this, and we certainly spend our training time together outside A LOT.  So, feel free to pass this along to a few friends that don't "get it" in an attempt to recruit the masses to a healthier/happier/fitter community.