
Wednesday, January 31, 2024



I can't count how many times over the last year that I have felt that I simply couldn't breathe.  Guess what..........  I am still here and still breathing.  You are too.  

Take that big inhale and know you are here for a reason.  Take time to define and let the inhales keep happening.  You matter.

Love you all

Tuesday, January 30, 2024



Who are you?  Sometimes, you simply have to be quiet and still long enough to remember who you are. 

Take that foundation and channel it. A pause before the storm that YOU create. There is wind within you that can blow obstacles down. I pray you take some time today to be still long enough to find it. Shut off the noise. Get ready. You are growing into a category 4 hurricane. 

Monday, January 29, 2024

Pick one


A few years ago, I drew this character from Lord of the Rings.  It was a bit of an art lesson with Braden. I chose this creature bc of the story behind him. He was once a legit human until “The Ring” and the consumption of it transformed him. What is your ring?  Is it worth losing yourself?

There was a scene where he was talking with himself. Two sides of good and evil battling it out. We all have that angel on one side and the devil on the other. CHOOSE. Muffle the voice that has no place with what equates to your best self. We can talk to ourselves in a variety of ways. We get to CHOOSE what voices we listen to. 

“My Precious” is YOU. Choose YOU. 

Sunday, January 28, 2024


 Yoda had it right.  Too many times I have heard, "I will try".  That is a half assed sentiment and uncommitted self talk.  Words matter.  Commitment matters  DO or do not.  There is no inbetween.

Be IN.  Be ALL IN.  It makes all the differenve!

Saturday, January 27, 2024



It’s all about TODAY. Now. Be present in the moment you are in and focus on the Sun rising to endless possibilities. 

Love you all

Friday, January 26, 2024

What do you see?


Not what you see, necessarily.  What do you want to see?  See it.  Have tunnel vision toward that direction, and block out all distractions.  Stay focused.  Know what is important.  They are YOUR eyes.  Protect them and the vision you see.

Sometimes you may even need to close your eyes, imagine what you want to see, envision the results, and get ready to OPEN them.  Get ready, stay focused, and keep your eyes on the goal.

Make what you see absolutely beautiful and GO, attract. Keep your blinders on.

Love you all

Thursday, January 25, 2024



Who is your support group?  Who are the people that are going to join hands with you to carry a heavier load?  Not only for you, but for them.  TOGETHER.  There is a huge reason why group fitness classes, bootcamps, community watch groups, or small groups in a church stick together.  It raises the success of all because you are in it TOGETHER.  There is an accountability, feeling of comraderie, and unconditional love.  Your focus begins to shift outside of yourself as you help others while also blinking one day, and see/feel your own results.

Its time to break out of the stagnation of isolation and become a part of something larger than yourself.

My goal is to create a physical, emotional, and spiritual support group that is non judgemenatl, loves unconditionally, and is the biggest cheerleading squad on the planet.

We got this, TOGETHER.........

Wednesday, January 24, 2024



"Start".  Such a simple word.  It is also a simpler ACTION than we give it credit.  I have had a couple of new members come in that I have NEVER worked out in their entire lives.   Their simple "start" began when they decided to make a change.  To get in their car and walk through the door.  You could stand at that start line until you die.  Nothing would change, and you would never see where the road could take you.

A simple decision and step forward is all that it takes.  Lets cross that line and move FORWARD.  I am not all about standing there in the middle of the road and plowed down by the next Tractor Trailer.  MOVE

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Letting go


Attachment can be absolutely devestating.  There are simply, things, people, and situations that we are not meant to hang on to.   A BIG one is our past.  If it is weighing you down , you HAVE to let it go.  It is easier said than done for most people for sure.  It may take more time, drastic changes, a rock bottom, or a new mountain top.  

Eventually, clarity will come as to what needs to be let go in order for you to be free.  Cut the chains and run as if you are escaping a fire that will destroy you.  The heat dissipates, the smoke clears, and fresh air is ahead.  You will be lighter and free from what was consuming you.

One day at a time.  One better decision at a time.  Keep your head up, and drop the weight.

Monday, January 22, 2024

You got this

 Get up.  Keep getting up.  Take control of what you can control.  Getting up is in your control.

Refuse to quit.  Take it moment by moment if you have to, but KNOW  "You got this"

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Head games

 Life can create a slow fade and erosion to the point that you don’t even remember who you were. It will come. Awareness of what broke you, a heightened sense of what makes you better, and simply keep plugging away. Never give up. 

I have been pummeled by my own mind. Hundreds of people have told me how I have positively influenced and transformed life. The ONE person that beats you down can get in your head. Get out of your head and focus on the good. Focus on the people that love and appreciate you. You have tremendous value. Know who you are. You are amazing. 

On my drive this morning a thought came up from Christmas and “It’s a wonderful Life”. You know the movie. You also remember that George Bailey was shown what life would be like if he had never been born. Keep making a positive impact and know you are a part of bettering others’ lives every day. The ripples of your life impact. Make a positive splash and end well. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Air leak

 I have patched a few tires in my day with plugs.  Just had this happen again within the last week.  I have the tools and plugs needed, but there is one ingredient needed...... AIR

I can take needle nosed pliars, pull the nail, screw a hole, place in a rubber plug, cut the tip.....But, I need AIR.   Life is like that.  You can have the tools.  You can have knowledge.  You know what to do.  At the end of the day, you may just need air to finish the project.  My air compressor is missing.  Who knows where that thing is.  I even recruited my Mom amd sister to help me hunt that thing down.  The task of the plug took seconds, but the hunt for the other ingredient took hours.  I still never found it.  Pay for air at the gas station.  Sometimes, if we can't find what we are looking for, we have to borrow or pay for someone elses's air.  

If you are leaking and ruining your tires, pull out the nail, do the work, and get some damn air any way that you can get it.  Its time to get back on the road.

Friday, January 19, 2024



What?!  These guys……. It’s ridiculous. Do the math. Bar is 45lb, each big plate is 45lb and……another 25lbs on each side. 

Life is about testing your limits. Too few actually DO. 

The members that come in here know that I am going to push theirs. These guys push each other. Who are the people around you that are going to raise the bar?

Maybe it’s time to surround yourself with those that help you to the next level. I am a “rep range” guy. Don’t get 12 reps in your head. If you can’t get 6-8, drop the weight. 12 or more = ADD.  Progress. Always progress. Remember the rule. I get tired of people throwing out 12 reps when they could have gotten 35 with the same weight. Grow or die. 

The same happens with life. We go through the motions day to day and get our 12 reps.  We have so much more in us. Quality vs quantity.  Let’s lift more, be more, and DO more. 

Carry on my friends. I love you all. If you need a spotter to help you push through, I am here. 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

I am Rich

This is a poem from my Great Grandfather.  We have a member here that took yesterday off from training to remember his Father's death.  He came in today and shared some writings from him that reminded me of this.....

They both are a glimpse into what actually matters in life.  No matter what other people or society tells you, hold on to the actual truth.  I recently had someone try to convince me that it was about money, retirement, or....whatever.  I have always firmly believed that if you had a dirt floor, but had a strong family bond, you were rich.  Providing a prescence vs presents.  Do things together, smile, laugh, learn, love, and dance on that dirt floor.


Love you all.  Happy Thursday

Wednesday, January 17, 2024



We are all going through MANY things in life.  If your direction is not taking you to a better place.........

Well, it may be time to "redirect".  You may not know where that takes you, but be assured, a different direction will have the hope of a better destination.  Choose a path.  And, maybe keep choosing different paths.

The scenery changes, the obstacles change, and your confidence in overcoming heightens.  Different smells, different terains, and the people you come across on that different path just may propel you to be and DO what you were always meant for.  

Love you all.  Happy "hump" day.  Lets get over it and on to new and exciting destinations.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

What If?

 This question could go in a million directions.  That is the beauty of the question.  The possibilities are endless.  Your possibilities are endless.  What if today is better than yesterday.  What if tomorrow is better than today......

What IF?  What if your future is better than you ever could have imagined it to be?  Your only job in the manifestation of that happening is to be positive in thought/action and attract.  What if you didn't have to chase?  Be, and attract what is here for you.  Be ready to catch and embrace.  Beauty is right in front of you.  Be ready.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Into the Wild

 There was a time, I was just like this guy.  Burn my license and social,  Just GO.  If you read the book or saw the movie, you know......Alone is no place to be.   We are here for each other.  I will never understand how or why anyone would want to survive alone.  Its not what we were created for.  Life is HARD.  Lets do it TOGETHER.

I am here for you.  We got this  TOGETHER.



You are a miracle.  The odds of your creation are too much to fathom.  You are here.  Embrace.  Hug and hold yourself.  In a cacoon and then burst from into a butterfly.  We've been still too long.  Time to fly.......

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Blurred vision

 Many moments in life will cause you to not see clearly.  Sometimes, you may have to feel your way through the dark, or up a mountain to get a better view.  When the clouds part, take advantage of THAT moment.  Don't sit on it.  It may not be clear in the next 15 minutes.  But, in THAT moment, you can see, and set your path.  GO from there.  

Be in thae dark, walk through the fog, blinded by sweat in your eyes, or not even be able to see the horizon........  When all the clutter breaks, SEE.  Set your direction, and DO.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


 Lets be real.  Too many people get hung up on the past.  It could be in a positive or negative way.  It doesn't matter.  Its in the past.  Envision what you want to be TODAY.  As hard as it may "seem", it is quite simple.  Starting over equates to who and what you aspire to be.  You are not a culmination of............Your past has molded you, but your future comes from a single decision.  DO or do not, there is no "try".

I am here to help you be better than what you thought you could be.  I am your biggest cheerleader when you make that decision to focus on your future.  Lets focus.  The windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024



Yes, its raining.  And.......  schools are closed????????  Its water.  Why is that an excuse to not tackle your goals.  You are worth getting wet and the accomplishment of hitting it regardless.  If they can still deliver the mail, you can deliver yourself.  One thing I have learned is that the ones that simply DO regardless of rain, snow, heat, or any number of things out of their control, are the ones that transform.  Your body and MIND adapts so quickly to what you throw at it.  The rain is cold, the house is about to be foreclosed on, you lost your job, a loved one is in ICU....on and on.  Do not forget YOUR value.  Control what you can control.

Had a member join yesterday in her 50's.  She basically got to the point of "enough is enough"  When you get to that point, a little rain doesn't matter.  Your goals are more important than obstacles.  You suck it up, and reap the rewards of overcominng the obstacles.  We can all be great on a sunny day, legends are made in the cold rain.  The difference between the two individuals mentally, physically, and spiritually are drastic.

Its only Tuesday.........  Another 24 hours that everyone else gets in the same day.  What are you going to do with yours?

Monday, January 8, 2024


 Direction is EVERYthing.  Where are you headed?  Time to have some serious and honest conversations with yoursel.   One Life  Its all we get.  Choose your direction.

Sunday, January 7, 2024


 Faith is EVERYthing.  Know that you have to keep travelling.  Your destination, in all its glory WILL arrive.  You simply have to keep moving.  The clouds will part, the fog dissipates,  and you will stand at the pinnacle of all the steps.  Keep stepping.  Keep the faith.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Keep aiming


I had a baseball coach once that was adiment about the concept of "keep swinging".  You are not goimg to hit a single, double, or homerun if you dont swing.  You cant stay in the batters box and keep watching balls come by in hopes that you get a walk.  You have to suck it up and swing at the 90 mile an hour fast ball coming in or the curve that you think will take your head off.  SWING.!

I used to have a compound bow with quite the poundage of draw.  It was an effort to pull it back.  All of the garbage of life that is the draw, draw.  Keep drawing, keep aiming, and "LET IT GO". 

Even if you don't know the target, you arent going to hit anything if you don't keep pulling back and letting it go.  You will eventually hit just the thing that is planned for you.  Never give up.  Keep firing away. 

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Who are you?


The ? mark is the que.  You are who you decide to be.  Who are you going to decide to be?  I promise you that only action leads to the answer.  Good intentions without action equals "Blah, Blah, Blah",  The same equals the same.  If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.  Think about that!  Today, and every day is made for change.  Where do you want that change to lead?

Some of us have to hit the absolute rock bottom.  Some of us can learn lessons from others.  Either way, the choice of YOU is on YOU.  Lets focus on YOU this year.  Have a full tank.  You can't help another that ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere if you don't have gas in the tank.  Fill you first.  I promise that you are more than you "think " you are.  The thoughts change with action.  Action first, and then the thoughts change.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Do Work!


There is a fine young gentleman that comes into the gym daily.  Let's call him, Larry.  I love his optimistic attitude and energy.  It is quite contagious.  Larry always has a smile on his face.  Another thing that stands out is that he comes in with worn and tattered leather "work" gloves.  What a beautiful thing to step in a gym wearing somehing that reminds yourself, "I am here to DO WORK".  I love it.

We are in the season where 90% of people that join a gym will drop off within 90 days.  Embrace the idea that you are there to do the work for YOU.  You are building a house that is YOURS.  Its not the time to cut corners or not show when its time to frame, put up drywall, or nail down the roof.  You want to walk through that front door with a finished house you can be proud of.  Time to put on the leathers, and through blood, sweat, and tears, build YOUR house.  No contractor is going to do it for you.

Happy building friends... Can't wait to see your house this time next year.

What Now?


It doesn't take a "New Year".  It takes a single NEW DAY.  We all have that opportunity regardless of a circumstance, situation, injury, depression,or any other life reality.  Its just life.  We may have made a few mistakes last year or yesterday.  But, today is a new day.  We are not a result of our past we are we we choose to be TODAY by looking for and making opportunities to strive for all to be better than yesterday.  If nothing changes, nothing changes.  New thoughts, attitudes, actions, friends, and goals.

What Now?  What will you do today to make it better than yesterday?  Be honest with yourself, do not accept excuses, and DO.  Time to rip the rear view off and shut down the negative voices in your head.  We all have power in us we never new was there.  Time to dig deep and let the warrior arise.

Have a better than good day and year my friends.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

 Many things, people, and experiences can absolutely burn us below the surface of the ground.  In the Bible, there is always the word...."BUT. " Out of the ashes, new growth, new perspective, and new hope.  Sometimes, you have to not fight the flames and let God take care of all the dead debris around you.

Let go and let God takes ona whole new meaning when you absolutely surrender to the scalding hurt of the flame, and you rest in the faith that God is purging all around you, for not only your good, but his.  Your ashes will be an instrument for things beyond your control knowing all good will come to those seeking and called to his purpose.  Let go.  Stop trying to fight the flames and look forward to the beauty that is to come.  A little pain for a fruitful next chapter.  Never give up my friends.  Do not crumble within the suffocating and blinding smoke or your feeling your skin is melting away.  There is a new flesh.  A new breath and is around the corner.  HOLD ON!  

Eventually,  you will BE a flame burning debris around YOU, sparking new growth...... Game on!