
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Letting go


Attachment can be absolutely devestating.  There are simply, things, people, and situations that we are not meant to hang on to.   A BIG one is our past.  If it is weighing you down , you HAVE to let it go.  It is easier said than done for most people for sure.  It may take more time, drastic changes, a rock bottom, or a new mountain top.  

Eventually, clarity will come as to what needs to be let go in order for you to be free.  Cut the chains and run as if you are escaping a fire that will destroy you.  The heat dissipates, the smoke clears, and fresh air is ahead.  You will be lighter and free from what was consuming you.

One day at a time.  One better decision at a time.  Keep your head up, and drop the weight.

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