
Saturday, May 25, 2024

Day Off


In my experience with workouts, you NEED a day off!  Taking two days in a row is a thin line for disaster.    You begin to creep into the realm of "comfort", making it harder to get back at it.  2 days turn to 3....4...a YEAR.  The next thing you know, you are right back to feeling you have to start all over again.  Its easier to keep going than to stop and start all over again.

Burn out happens when you don't allow a break to heal.  Complacency happens when you take too much time off and all of your progress begins to quickly slip away.  It takes consistent efforts to achieve hard gained results.  It takes DAYS to lose it.  Take your day off, but do not let the mental and physical gains slip.

Enjoy your weekend, and be ready to get back at it next week.  

Love you all

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