
Saturday, December 30, 2023

Inner voice

 There is a scene in the movie: Dead Poet's Society about finding your inner "YAWP".  It is deep within you and time to let YOUR voice ROAR.  There is another scene when Robin Williams has the students march in a circle.  It is not long before they are marching in unison with conformity.  Be YOU.  You have your own voice and your own march.

Its time to whip out the pen, write your own life, and march to the beat of your own drummer.  You are amazing just the way that you are.  Own it.



Now that I am back in my old stomping grounds, I pass by all of the memories of me in my own world.  On my way to work this morning, I literally drove the many miles I used to bike and run.  On my route from Due West to Greenwwood, I have run or biked every mile.  Once, I biked to Due West from here, ran 7 miles after arriving in Due West, and then biked home.  Ive hammered it on the bike to Anderson, Saluda, Belton....... You name it.  Once, I even ran to my parents house in Saluda from downtown Greenwood.  All of these things were ridiculous, but I NEEDED to do them.  The only person on the journey was ME, and ME alone.  My therapy.  My time.  My growth.  My time with God.

Get scared.  Take it on, and know that it is YOUR growth.  These are the times you truly find yourself and build confidence in knowing that if the world falls apart, you can find rest in your own world.  What are you going to do in the New Year that stretches you beyond your preconceived limits?  Time to prove to yourself that you were made for more.  You can DO and BE more.  Today is the day.  If you're not growing, you're dying.  GROW.  One shot at this life.  We don't get a single second back.

Friday, December 29, 2023


 Be true to YOU.  What gives you life?  What inspires?  What are the things that keep you "feeling" young?

Age is a number.  One of my favorite quotes.........  "Muscles are mere rubber, what I am, I am because of my mind".  I had a few beautiful sessions this morning with two clients that reminded me that movement is life.  I pushed them.  They pushed themselves.  They inspired me as much as I inspired them.  TOGETHER.  Life is about that....  Let us continue to inspire each other, be true to ourselves, and break the stigma of age.  Sometimes it begins with a single thought/vision.  It is never too late to be all that you might have been.  Forward we go, my friends.

Thursday, December 28, 2023



Whether you can "feel" it or not, trust the process.  There are two options.  Regret that you quit OR know how good it will feel that you endured the race while crossing the line without having left an ounce of energy ungiven on the course.

          There is a thirst within you that will never be quencehd until you haven given it all that you have.                Earn that Gatorade.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Lone wolf

 There is beauty in a glimpse of optimism.  We have to be intentional to shift our focus on the solutions.  Sometimes we may not even see the solution, BUT through life experience, we generally know what leads to our "success" or demise..  The fall can come from a million reasons.  Eliminate those as options.  If there is ONE single thing that can lead to a better result, FOCUS on that ONE thing alone.  Even if it means a better next 10 minutes, make the choice.  Only you can.  

In order to be better, you have to think better, DO better, and align with the grain that flows to growth.  Stop going against the grain.  Eliminate the rough cuts and splinters.  We can do this.  Its time to focus.  Look at these eyes......Put the blinders on and eliminate the periphiral.  One direction.  One step.  Take that step.

The Triumph of Faith
2through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3Not only that, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope.…

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Light of mine

 This little light of mine…I’m gonna let it shine. I sure hope everyone had a very joyous and en"lightening" Christmas.  This season brings a roler coaster of many things.... Bouncing around from house to house, a last minute trip to Wal-Mart, introspect, retrospect, a moment of silence to explore the true reason for the season, and the immense noise of the outside.  After all has settled, I hope that you can calm and find the light.  The song "Amazing Grace" has a whole new meaninng when you or a loved one has been in the dark, and now sees the light.  The New Year is upon us, but don't you ever dare think that it takes Jan. 1st to see the light in yourself or another.  That twinkle in someone else's eye can spark a beautiful thing just as the one in your own in ANY given day.  

I pray that ANY day may be the day that the switch is found in the dark and blackness is turned to light.  When Helen Kelller's caregiver began to try and explain who God was to a deaf and blind girl, Helen already knew.  There is a light in the dark without even having to know the name.  Today may be just the day to sing the song...." This little light of mine".........  Let it shine

Friday, December 22, 2023


 Choose your path. If it has to go upstream like Salmon, so be it. It beats being a dead fish flowing toward the ocean to be eaten by seagulls. Fight

Thursday, December 21, 2023

 The most inspiring stories I have witnessed are the broken that completely transform their lives into unbreakable warriors.  What is the secret?  Its simple.  They don't quit.  They pull out their gratitude list each morning.  They remind themselves of their worth and do the things that make themselves worthy of all they have deep inside.  With time and consistent action, it pours out of them.  Its as if a light follows them.  Thats how the Law of Attraction works.  Its inspiring and gives hope to transformation.  Its in there.  Do not give up before the miracle happens.  Plug along my friends. 

 What one thing are you going to do today to prove to yourself that you are a warrior?  You are worth the investment to be better than you were yesterday.  Embrace the journey.  Have faith with each forward step, and keep feeding the light that is soon to come bursting out of you with an intensity that rivals the sun, itself.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


 This may not be the most popular post, but...................

Ive been a fan of David Goggins for more than a decade.  This dude simply reinvented himself.  He was not happy as a 350lb out of shape bug exterminator and became a Navy Seal, along with the title of Army Ranger, and more than a few other items in his "Cookie Jar".  "Cookie Jar"?  These are the things you can look back on and appreciate what YOU accomplished.  When life beats the crap out of you, look at the list of ridiculous things you accomplished.  You've pushed through and accomplished sooooooo many things.  Its who you are.  Do not allow others or society to tell you who you are.  You are a BEAST.  Resiliant, and will not give up.  At he end of the day, your reflection in the mirror is what you have.  

You are NOT what others say you are.  You are who God tells you that you are.  Do the work.  Nobody else is going to do it for you!  Add to the "Cookie Jar", and know who you are.  I'm proud of you.  Be proud of yourself.  Those that don't see or get it, may need a finger.  Walk away in confidence that you are on the path of a better YOU.  Their approval is not needed.  Yours is!  This is YOUR life.  What are you going to make it?  

We were born to be GREAT  See it.  Be it.  Do not accept less from yourself, .....and screw everybody else.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Your choice in action

 Intention is one thing.  Action is another.  We are what we do, what we eat, and who we choose to spend our time with.  We can create new habits, better choices, and surround ourselves with those that make us better.  The result of newly formed habits create a future that will not dissapoint.  Trust the process.  Its time to form new habits.  Out of an entire lifetime, you can afford the discipline for 21 days to dig deep and embrace new habits.  You are worth it.  Your future awaits.  What is the future that you would like to see?  Who and what do you aspire to be?  It begins TODAY.  Transform your thoughts, your words, and your actions.  The results and the fruit of the actions will come pouring through.  Its contagious.  You will soon be in a place to embrace the future that comes flowing to you.  It begins with a decision and consistent action.  We got this.  Its time to be extraordinary!

Monday, December 18, 2023

Be ready

 As impatient as most of us are, we have to trust the process and have faith we are exactly in the place we are supposed to be when we are there.  We simply have to embrace the process of the journey and do the best where we are.  Constantly evolving and progressing.  We may not see or feel it, but have confidence in the reality that all is working out for your good.  Plans to prosper you.  Do your best to be prepared to be in a place to walk through the doors that open for you.  Pray for the vision to be able to see the open door while amping yourself to sprint through and tackle the next adventure.  How exciting it is to know you are prepared.  You've done the work on YOU.  Be confident as you storm through and know the wait wasn't punishment..  It was preperation to be in a place to embrace all that was being prepared for you.

You simply cannot be in a place of going through the next door while sitting on the couch.  Get up.  Get out.  Train.  Grow.  Be comfortable with the uncomfortable.  That is where growth happens.  Be intentional.  We are capable of far more than we limit ourselves to be.  Toss out your own logic and allow the process to open doors that were meant to be opened for you, and you alone.

Its time

Friday, December 15, 2023



There is a burning and bright light within you ready to explode for the world to see.  You may not see it now.... Its there.  Even if it seems a smothered amber you find in the morning from last night's bond fire.  That alone, may be more than those around you.  It can serve as hope when they feel their fire has burned out.  Blow the old ashes away.  Protect the amber.  Give it oxygen.  Feed it slowly with tender, then tiny twigs, then sticks, then LOGS.  Let it roar.

Others in the dark will see.  They may be drawn to the warmth and have the courage to build their own fire within.  Your light will not only help you to see, but give you purpose in giving it to those lost in the dark.  The more drawn to the flame, the brighter it will shine.  It all starts with you.  Dig deep.  If that amber has burned out,  it may be time to start rubbing some sticks together.  

Life is too short to be in the dark cold.  Find your light and let it shine.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Two Choices

Hi all,

There are simply TWO choices.  We all get to a crossroads every day.  Sometimes multiple times.  There is a road to to quit or keep going.  Visualize that on a trail.  You are tired, hurting, fighting many physical and mental obstacles/battles.  You know you need to keep moving while also wanting to quit and head back to the car.  Anxiety and indecision kicks in.  You get to the split in the trail.  One path leads back to the parking lot.  The other leads to a rocky climb with a breathtaking view at the top.  TWO choices.  At that moment you choose the pain over the regret of quitting.  Once you take that path, the door shuts on the other.  The decision is made and it gets much simpler from that moment on..  You are now dealing with ONE choice.  The anxiety and indecision leaves you.  Now you simply have to focus in a single direction.  The clouds part and you can become focused on the direction you are headed.  There is no grey area.  Its black and white.  The more you make the choice of growth, the easier it becomes.  The rewards and the views continue to get better, along with the fruits of the labor.

I have had several new members join the club due to some very stressful life situations bc it is a POSITIVE choice with POSITIVE results.  They could stay in bed all day, turn to a substance to bandaide pain or stress, OR choose something that is guarenteed and proven to propel them in a positive direction both mentally and physically.  I am so proud of and admire those that gain this realization and DO something about it.  Maybe they had the awareness early on, or maybe they hit rock bottom in an "Enough is Enough" state.  Either way.  Keep it simple.  There are TWO choices.  Either grow or die.

What choices will you make today?  Choose the BIG picture healthy choice and shut the door on anything that will not make you better today than you were yesterday.

Forward we go my friends!

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


 Hi all,

I’ve got BIG news for 2024. I am not going to be the same that I was in 2023. After years of losing myself, I am slowly finding myself again. I would like you to join me in the journey. Let’s share the ups and downs. Let’s keep each other motivated, held accountable, and embrace each day that we act on the obsession to make it better than yesterday. One Body. One short life. Let’s show the world what we are choosing to do with ours!!  Don't you dare look back.  We've got no time for tripping by not focusing our attention on where we are going.  Forward my friends.

Happy to be back and hyper focused. We got this!