
Thursday, December 14, 2023

Two Choices

Hi all,

There are simply TWO choices.  We all get to a crossroads every day.  Sometimes multiple times.  There is a road to to quit or keep going.  Visualize that on a trail.  You are tired, hurting, fighting many physical and mental obstacles/battles.  You know you need to keep moving while also wanting to quit and head back to the car.  Anxiety and indecision kicks in.  You get to the split in the trail.  One path leads back to the parking lot.  The other leads to a rocky climb with a breathtaking view at the top.  TWO choices.  At that moment you choose the pain over the regret of quitting.  Once you take that path, the door shuts on the other.  The decision is made and it gets much simpler from that moment on..  You are now dealing with ONE choice.  The anxiety and indecision leaves you.  Now you simply have to focus in a single direction.  The clouds part and you can become focused on the direction you are headed.  There is no grey area.  Its black and white.  The more you make the choice of growth, the easier it becomes.  The rewards and the views continue to get better, along with the fruits of the labor.

I have had several new members join the club due to some very stressful life situations bc it is a POSITIVE choice with POSITIVE results.  They could stay in bed all day, turn to a substance to bandaide pain or stress, OR choose something that is guarenteed and proven to propel them in a positive direction both mentally and physically.  I am so proud of and admire those that gain this realization and DO something about it.  Maybe they had the awareness early on, or maybe they hit rock bottom in an "Enough is Enough" state.  Either way.  Keep it simple.  There are TWO choices.  Either grow or die.

What choices will you make today?  Choose the BIG picture healthy choice and shut the door on anything that will not make you better today than you were yesterday.

Forward we go my friends!

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