
Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Light of mine

 This little light of mine…I’m gonna let it shine. I sure hope everyone had a very joyous and en"lightening" Christmas.  This season brings a roler coaster of many things.... Bouncing around from house to house, a last minute trip to Wal-Mart, introspect, retrospect, a moment of silence to explore the true reason for the season, and the immense noise of the outside.  After all has settled, I hope that you can calm and find the light.  The song "Amazing Grace" has a whole new meaninng when you or a loved one has been in the dark, and now sees the light.  The New Year is upon us, but don't you ever dare think that it takes Jan. 1st to see the light in yourself or another.  That twinkle in someone else's eye can spark a beautiful thing just as the one in your own in ANY given day.  

I pray that ANY day may be the day that the switch is found in the dark and blackness is turned to light.  When Helen Kelller's caregiver began to try and explain who God was to a deaf and blind girl, Helen already knew.  There is a light in the dark without even having to know the name.  Today may be just the day to sing the song...." This little light of mine".........  Let it shine

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