
Saturday, August 31, 2024

The idea of...

 Many times in life, people get caught up in the "idea" of whatever.  Jobs, relationships, houses, geographical locations.... or...

Its seems lately that too many people have unrealistic expectations and fall quickly for the "Idea Of" vs embracing what is and living/loving on life's terms.  We have sooooo much control, free choice, and can manifest based on who we are and what we do.  If someone or something doesn't embrace the true YOU, let it go.  You have to have your own idea of YOU.  Other opinions don't matter.

We attract what we give.  For every action there is an equal or opposite reaction.  Life is too short to not fall in love with what is right in front of you vs the "idea of".  The plants that grow are the ones you water.

The idea of YOU may need the water.

Happy game day....

Love you all

Friday, August 30, 2024

Love what you do

 There have been many people ask why I do what I do,  The answer is simple.  I love people, their stories, and transforming lives.

We are all here for a brief period of time.  Make an impact.  It could be a simple smile or engagement as to how you can help in their lives.  Too many people don't embrace the concept of doing what they love and loving what they do.

Zig Ziglar once stated that if you help enough people get what they want, you can have anything that you want.  For me, I simply want to give without necessarily expecting a return.  It comes down to PURPOSE and living in such a way as to GIVE what you have to make the world around you a little better.

That also includes YOURself.  Love yourself, give to yourself, and love what you do because embracing the journey equates to what you can give yourself and others.

Outside of a "job", you have soooooo much to give and love.  What are you DOing?

Love you all

Thursday, August 29, 2024

What if


What if you didn't care what other people thought?  Following what you know is brave, real, and transformative.

Following what you know to be true can make the "what if" beautiful.  What if?  You take a chance in a direction your heart is guiding you, and you may be surprised by the result.  But, only if you commit to the chance.  It beats the results of what was, if you can simply get the gumption to say "what if" and act.

One body.  One Life.  No other chances.  "What If" we make it better than what it was.  Throw caution to the wind and give it a go.

Love you all

Saturday, August 24, 2024


 Merge....  Sometimes you come off a different road to get into a new flow of traffic.  As scary as that interstate may be when you merge into,  it can take you somewhere you have never been.

Get off the road you were on, and explore where the next road will take you.

There still may be wrecks you have to deal with, demolished tires in the road, or traffic jams.  Cops will be there too.  Navigate the road and take the exit that calls your name.  You can go ANYwhere when you get off the road you were on

Time to take a trip.

Love you all.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Out of ideas?

 There are times in life that you simply run out of the light bulb moments or ideas.  You can't succumb to the mentality that the light bulb is off.

Your actions light it up.  When that thing starts to dim, its time to ACT and light it up.  It begins with the realization that the light is beginning to dim.  Light it up before it goes dark.

Your "ideas" come from the light of "action".  Its time.  Act first, and let the ideas come.  Bring them to fruition.

Today is the day to bring that watt bulb to brightness.

Love you all

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Break time

 I have done a decent job at motivating members, writing, working, trying to build relationships, and grow myself.

That last part is something I am not going to take a break from, and neither should you.  Take a break from what breaks you, and tackle the things that build you.

"Break Time" is exactly that.  Take a break.  But, not from yourself.  Lets keep growing that part.

Love you all

Thursday, August 15, 2024


 Sometimes confusion can come in many forms.  I have researched!  When we get conflicting information, we can become obsessed with the result we WANT.  An analogy is why people keep going back to a slot machine or continue to buy lottery tickets.  People keep having the hope of the reward regardless of the number of failures.  I have talked to quite a few people that tell me they "won"........ whatever amount.  They don't share how much they actually lost before they "won".  The reality is that you can spend thousands and win a $100.  Yet, you will be told they won $100.

The same thing comes into play with workouts, nutrition, and life.  You should always get back what you put in or more.  The goal is to not be in the negative.

I have invested in people with no return on the investment.  It is why I have always been passionate about working out.  What you put in, you get back.  Your effort equates to a return that is not in the negative.

I may have bought 2 scratch off tickets in my lifetime.  All I did was throw away a few dollars for the hope of winning more.

Your time and energy should not be wasted.  Invest in something that yields a return.  Be it your job, relationships, or health...........Get your moneys worth.  You are off value.  Don't get addicted to the hope of what could possibly be.  Be addicted to the action that produces results.  End the confusion and focus on the actions that clearly give you an actual return on your investment.

Love you all

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 "Worth" can have a lot of definitions.  There have been times that I viewed that rock and knew its worth and other times I wanted to use it for other "worthy" purposes.

At the end of the day, it's about discovering your "worth".  Put it in stone.  Protect it.

Love you all.  You are worth it!

Monday, August 12, 2024


 I caught myself this morning with a TERRIBLE attitude.  I took my son to work.  On the truck drive, it was clear we were feeding off of each other's negative energy until we corrected our attitude.

Sometimes, all it takes is the awareness.  Correct your attitude, behavior, action, performance, and RESULTS will follow.  It begins with your mindset.  The "solution" will not come with a bad attitude.

On the ride, he felt a bit beat up.  Heck, I feel the same, but life goes on.  Dig deep and know who you are.  Do what you need to do to correct.  Words that come out of your mouth matter.  Its the first step to have a good Monday.  Set your mind.

Love you all

Saturday, August 10, 2024


 I had a dream last night that reminded me of the Andy Griffith episode where Andy was trapped in a cave and Barney recruited a few people to help find him.  Andy escaped out of a hole on the other side, but people thought he was still in there.

Regardless of other people trying to save you, find your own way out.

Stuck in a cave?  Don't panic, there is always a way out.  Take deep breaths, remain calm, and find a way.

Love you all

Friday, August 9, 2024

Stay the course

 There are so many people that get a burst of motivation and fizzle.  Periodization and consistency is the key.

Be constant.  Be deliberate.  Stay after it.  The results will come, but success is all about being stubborn.  You don't know what you're doing?  It will come.  Keep trying.  Nutrition, workouts, work, or life.  Keep showing up.

(Thank you for the FB PM's to keep this post going!)

Love you all

Thursday, August 8, 2024


 A break is often needed.  A "retreat" is more of a focus on reflection, introspection, and finding some peace.  A break is a break.  A "Retreat" is more about healing.

It can be done daily.  The human body was designed for motion.  What you actively DO can transform your mind and view.

Lets don't take a "break".  Let us go on a retreat.  One is passive.  One is active.  Progress over perfection.

You will never reach perfection, but you can progress with awareness and action.  You will be proud of yourself, but it starts with baby steps.  

I respect and am proud of those that "re" treat themselves.

Love you all

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 I've had a few new cars, and new many things.  It is quite liberating for the new smell, new feeling, and feel.  It wears off.  Dents happens in a parking lot from nowhere no matter how far you park away from culprits.  The oil needs to be changed, tires wear out, and you stare at the dents that you didn't cause.

These are the things of "stuff" that is new.  What is "NEW" with YOU?

The dents of you is a product of the journey.  The worn tires and the oil used to lubricate a smooth running engine need constant attention.  What was once "new" becomes used more quickly than we want or realize.  We have to take care of the investment.  Don't throw it away or trade it in.

You can become NEW any day.  Take care of it.  Commit to the maintenance.  Change the oil, throw on some new tires, and keep rolling.

Love you all  

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Be Kind

 You can be bold or a rebel without a clue.  You can be "true" and wrong at the same time........

The goal is to be KIND.  It equates to the true YOU that you should be.

That also means to YOURself.  Be kind, THEN you can be bold, true, and be yourself.

Love you all

Monday, August 5, 2024


 Ive been in a place of falling for "the idea of".  Is that bad?  The idea of what you envision is NOT bad.  Fall in love with YOU and the process of bringing it to fruition.

The idea is a prompting to focus.  Actions equate to the idea becoming reality.  We all want to love and love ourselves outside of the "idea".  We deserve to love and be loved for who we are outside of the "idea".  

Don't settle for less while also remembering we are all imperfect.  We all have baggage as well as a vision.  Lay the baggage down, have an idea, and pursue.

Find something that eliminates the "idea" of YOU, and embraces the actual YOU.  What is the YOU that you want to embrace?  What is the work that you need to tackle to get past the "idea"?

Jumping into "the idea of" distorts reality.  Or does it?  "The idea of" is what you make it to be.

Love you all

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Long Day

 We all have the same 24 hours.  My days often feel they last 3 days.  They are 24 hours!

What makes your days seem longer is lack of purpose and action in each moment you are in.  It can be directed by your boss, work, or YOU.

As short as life is, there are few days.......Make the most of them by making the most of every moment you are in.

I am always torn between being patient to wait or to fully engage with where I am at while trusting.  I am an "All In" person bc I understand the consequences of half in and the regret that so many have that "waited" for a tomorrow that didn't come.  If it's been a "long day", be grateful.  Today is what you have.  What you do today in each minute can translate to a better tomorrow if you are lucky enough to get the chance.  Focus on EVERY second of each minute and hour TODAY.  Live in the moment and let the days unfold as they should.

Love you all


 We all know the frustration of  going somewhere we want to go and see the "closed" sign.  The door is locked.  There may be employees inside that could easily unlock the door, but won't.  Its not up to someone else.  You got there at the wrong time.

There are times for businesses and life that are "Open".  Get there at the right time..  If you want it badly enough, you will wait for that sign to light up and the door to open.  What are you doing while you wait?  What will you do when it opens?

In life, what you do while you wait equates to the "open" sign.  The fruit of your life comes with what you do when it opens.

We don't want the "closed" sign.  Get ready for the door to open and grab what you came in for.

Open for business!

Love you all


 There is a HUGE difference between a "house" and a "home".  I don't care about the size of the house.  Is it a "home"?

Is it a place you want to go and feel the warmth/comfort based on what/who is there?

One realization that I have had is that if you are not at "home" with YOURself or surrounded by people that make you better and make you want to be better, its not home.  They say home is where the heart is.  Did you know that your own body and mind is the most important "home" you have?  Be comfortable in your own skin and mind.  If you don't feel that way, its time to clean house.  A house can provide protection from sun and rain, give you a place to cook, and sleep.  But a "home" provides emotional security and peace that dwells in your soul.  It is a sense of confidence that you are exactly where you are welcomed and supposed to be.

Its time for some "home" improvement.  Time to cut the grass, pull some weeds,  plant some flowers,  clean the cob webs, sweep, disinfect the germs, and create the environment you want to live in.  That goes for the house and YOUR house.  What makes you laugh, sing, dance, and long for "home"?  Houses are everywhere!  "Homes" are "made"...  You choose the décor and occupants.  Stop renting someone else's house and make a HOME.  If you need to tear down a house in order to make something "home", whip out the biggest wrecking ball that you can find.

What do you want "home" to look like?  What invites you in and greets you like a lab?  Can you look yourself in the mirror, and say "I am home"?

Love you all