
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New Shoes

Hi all!

Sometimes in life we fall, get back up, fall, get back up, and keep pushing forward. Then there are times we feel like we are climbing the mountain and the progress stops. Our feet keep slipping, we keep fighting, but no ground is gained. We finally wave the white flag and slip all the way to the bottom. I think some of us do this realizing that if we start climbing from the bottom we can have a sense of comfort to simply be climbing again. Progress beats the heck out of slipping, falling, and grabbing for roots, but getting nowhere. Maybe its time to change our shoes. Maybe its time to change our running partners for those that you can look to that will pull you up to the next ledge when you slip. Maybe its time to trade routes to the summit for a much drier one with firmer footing. Today is the day to hit that mountain with a tenacious hunger and desire to make another push to the summit. As I had this thought on the drive this morning, the sun began to rise over the mountains reminding me that today is a new and beautiful day. The skies are clear.... What a great day to climb!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Hi all!
There is something truly special aout the realization that that the difference in people's outside is their attitude on the inside. Further proof comes from their actions. And, then.........there is the realization that YOU have to search inwardly for your own attitude. What does the fruit you're bearing look like? Are you bearing any? If you don't know the answer to the question, it may be time to look in the mirror. Maybe its time to all look really closely at the face staring back at us. Look deep into the eyes of your soul and dive in till you find the depths that bring forth an answer. Now, ask yourself.......what can improve your attitude? Im not talking about a quick fix..... what will absolutely CHANGE you for the day?

My medicine is anything active. I can go from a deep dark depression to the light within ten minutes of simply moving in a direction. I can go from dreading the hills i face in life to looking up while running, seeing the next hill, and actually cracking a smile. Bring it on. Change your attitude. Change your life. If you cant snap fingers to change your attitude, know it may require a bit more movement than 2 fingers sliding across the other.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hi all!

"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.".....William Shakespeare

How do we absolutely slaughter the fear? You have to simply embrace the belief that what is beyond may hold some wondrous adventure that leads our minds to a better place. "One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time." Andre Gide

Too many of us get to a point where we simply settle for what is and the excitement of what could be is a distant memory. That motivating fire is gone. We once dreamed of flying with the eagles and now, simply desperately look up to catch a glimpse of one flying. "When the eagles ate silent, the parrots begin to jabber." ....Churchill. The jabber starts to drown out the eagle's call until a time comes you forgot what the scream even sounded like. MAKE today the day you shake off your feathers and scream. Look up, start the whooosh of your grand wings and keep flapping until you take flight. Hush all excuses of lack of wind, too much wind, rain, or lack of direction you may go and simply take flight. Its much easier to pick your destination when you're in the air. Just keep flying. Never stop flying. Fear will destroy all you were meant to become. "I cant" is a lie and those that say it are proved wrong by those that cross their path are doing what you said cant be done with far greater handicaps than yours. Its time we soar with those and leave the jabbering parrots of mediocrity. Life is adventure! Its meant to be enjoyed. Just do it!

"Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment." ...... Ralph Waldo Emerson
Running in the rain has to be one of the greatest gifts we are given. It is truly a cleansing of the soul.

I received a few emails and text regarding yesterday's post. Let me clarify. Its time some of us put on our big britches, let go ...of our moms ti@&y, and started being honest with ourselves by calling "excuses" to be all that we were meant to be exactly what it is called. An EXCUSE.

I am NOT exempt. I fall victim to those dreaded voices far too often and justify whatever "excuse" Ive concocted as okay. I hear them constantly. But there comes a point for enough and a realization that its time to jump out of the nest and fly on our own. I hear from people that want to get a road bike and actually bike vs taking a dang spin class. "What if i get lost?" "What if i wreck?" What if I have a flat tire?" I could give you thousands of examples with different things, but the point is: IF YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING, DO IT! Figure it out. Take your knocks, wreck, get lost, learn how to fix a flat, google it, whatever...... "I dont have anybody to run with, bike with..on and on.." Guess what, me either... Just do it. Learn as you go and figure it out. Stop blaming circumstances, people, your mood, your day, your sleep, the weather.......and call it like it is. Its YOU. You are the problem. There are people out there right now with some REAL excuses JUST DOING IT and actually living life while it is passing you by.

The key is to keep getting back up, keep fighting, keep learning, keep digging deeper into the endless limits of the human spirit. You can do it. You will do it. If you get knocked down and give into an excuse to not take on something that scares the crap out of you, get back up and fight like your life depended on it. "Every man dies, but not every man lives." Dont you want to live!?? Its time to take your life back and live with a hungry tenacious intensity to slide across the finish line scarred, bloody, bruised, and dirty! The words at the finish: "Well Done......"
I search for inspiring stories daily in order to get my own behind out the door. Different things motivate different people. My choice for the day was to put in a dvd of the 2009 Kona Ironman. It, and a few of the following year's coverage never fail to inspire. As a trainer, I hear "I can't" FAR too often. When I watch stories of cancer survivors, amputees, former addicts, people in their 80...'s taking on an Ironman, I get FIRED up! So what is the difference in those and the vast majority that stick to doing what they know they can? Fear of failure? Ignorance? Source of motivation? Time? Money? There is one other thing I've noticed with most gym goers and those that actually get out there. One question I have received from a gym member sums up my point and i wish i could slap all with this mentality: "Why do you do this? You look great. You dont need to lose weight" WHAT! What is wrong with you shallow, narrow minded, vain, self absorbed, look obsessed people!? You know these folks...they are the ones that cant stop looking at themselves in the mirror, fix hair and makeup before hitting the gym, refuse to turn up the intensity for fear of getting sweaty. You will also find these people talking to every person they run into in the gym to fish for a compliment to make them feel good for the day. I am, and have always been an extreme anti-health club person for that and a few other reasons. Those that sacrifice time, effort, energy for much deeper reason are the ones (1% of gym goers. 100% of those doing an Ironman) that get in and get it done with a focus and intensity that turns the rest of the world, the mirror, the scale, and whether they get their hands dirty silly and childlike rubbish.

No, I dont do this to look good in front of the mirror. I don't do this to look good for you or anyone else. No, I dont do this to lose weight. And, NO, I am not going to waste my precious workout time explaining deep, philosophical, emotional, spiritual, mindful, physical, and endless other reasons why those that cross any finish line do what they do. I could explain it for you, but I cant undetstand it FOR you. Until you stop relying on other's for your own happiness and self worth, you will never get it. Its one of those journeys you'll have to take for yourself. "Working out" is superficial and full of vanity. Nobody gives a crap what you look like. "Training" is a quest. Its an adventurous journey...a maturation from child to adult. If you are reading this and have no idea what I'm talking about, you are merely "working out", socializing, and meandering through life. Maybe its time for a challenge that scares the crap out of you. Maybe its time to do some soul searching and mental discovery. Maybe its time to "train" Stop saying you "can't" do something when the truth is you "won't" or arent willing to for whatever reason. Say what you mean to say. You're only lying to yourself. Its time to face the truth and bust through your plateau, sign up for that whatever you've had an eye on for years, or to simply become super focused with the quest to be all that God made you to be.
Hi All,

I did a rare thing on Saturday. I was a spectator of a marathon. My sister ran the Spinx Runfest marathon in Greenville. I showed up with signs and cowbell to cheer her on. I've been a spectator for a handful of races in my life, and the conclusion is the same. I HATE watching. It makes me feel like I am missing life. There is a drastic difference in the faces of those participatin...g and the faces of those that aren't. The faces that aren't are almost empty. It never fails to motivate though to get out there and "be IN the arena". (my favorite Roosevelt quote comes to mind) I don't want to be a poor and timid soul that knows neither victory or defeat. My sister did an amazing job and crushed her goal time for finishing the 26.2 miles. After winning this race 3 years ago to watching my sister's elation as she crossed the line, I am quite motivated to NOT be a spectator in the near future at a race. There is a HUGE difference in the lives of DOERS and the lives of watchers. Who are you going to be? GREAT JOB sis! I am DOING this particular race with you next year!
Hi All,

Belle and I decided to get in a trail run last Thursday in the Sumter National Forest. The plan was to simply go out 30 minutes and double on back. At the 30 minute mark, in spite of feeling like crap, i put my head down and plugged on. At that moment, I had just made a choice. A very simple, but defining choice to not look back, double back, or think back. I knew it meant another ho...ur and half of running, but the principle behind making that choice was far heavier than i knew my legs would be at the end. I havent run any distance worth logging on a calendar since June. It was time to make up my mind. Go back? OR.. Go forward?

We all face that decision multiple times each day. The more times we make the "right" decision, the more often the right decision naturally flows with every choice. I just had a great workout a few minutes ago that reminded of last Thursday. The challenge: 40 lb weighted vest and the goal was 4 miles in 40 minutes. (This idea came from some test Russia has there special forces do) My vest is 48 LBS, and i have only used it on clients vs self. Within 100 yards, I felt like a fat asthematic kid. I wanted to stop, throw the vest in the yard, and enjoy breathing again as soon as possible. Ahhh..the CHOICE again. With last Thursday's lesson in my head, I wouldnt allow my head to even turn back to look toward the house. I put my head down and plugged along. The choice is made at that point. It sure makes thr fight in your head a lot easier to have when the option to turn back is eliminated. Heres the best part.... When you make the right choice, you discover you can, and WOW, event WANT to do more. I decided to drop for 15 pushups at each 10 minute mark and another 15 at the finish before I could hit the stop button on my watch. Interesting...From wanting to quit at the start to craving more within split seconds after the choice was made. The time stopped at 35 and change. I dont have any idea if thats good or bad...Who cares. Its GREAT because of the CHOICE. Define yourself today and choose to challenge, reach, learn, explore, and move FORWARD.
Hi all!
Tyler and I survived the stage race in Chattanooga.  The three days of running the mountains of Tenn. only made us appreciate this area and these mountains more.  It just doesn't get much better than the playground we have in our own back yard.  It was still good to get away and go toe to toe with other trail runners and explore the mountains on the outside while exploring the soul within.  I learn something from every race, but a three day stage race opens the door to learn A LOT.  Each day, each course, and each day's mindset carries with it a ton of opportunities to "figure things out".  I couldn't help but think about all that the 60 miles of mountain single track were teaching the other runners.  One particular guy was from Florida.  There aren't mountains to train on in Florida.  I'm betting he learned a few things each day.  Heck, there were 250 people that started the race, and only 188 that finished.  I'm betting the lessons learned for the 62 DNF's were a bit harder to swallow due to the regret that will NEVER go away for not finishing what they started.  People always ask me why we do things like 60 miles in three days or any other random event.  The answers vary widely, but I typically always come back to wanting the challenge.  The truth is, sometimes I don't want to do it.  But, I am experienced enough to know that I learn more about myself through the fires of life.  I grow and become stronger.  I eliminate crap in my life that is meaningless and have more clarity to look at things that matter.  Races are a way to control the learning process to a degree.  You know the date on the calendar.  You know what you need to do to prepare.  You know what time in the morning the race starts.  You know the simple goal of getting from point A to B.  The way I respond mentally with overcoming a (somewhat) controlled challenges spills over to how I will react and respond in life.  Races are a way to "proactively" plan a self learning day.  I've always said that things that get you out of your comfort zone defines you based on your response.
We all have choices every day to make us better or NOT better.  One thing is for sure.  Life is hard and it doesn't hurt to train for it.  Through my experiences with endurance sports, I will recall the times I have pushed through and the sweet rewards of crossing that line knowing I didn't submit to the all to frequent urge to quit when it started to hurt.  I will keep putting one foot in front of the other and there will NOT be a DNF (Did Not Finish) by my name.  "Pain is temporary.  Regret is forever."