
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Running in the rain has to be one of the greatest gifts we are given. It is truly a cleansing of the soul.

I received a few emails and text regarding yesterday's post. Let me clarify. Its time some of us put on our big britches, let go ...of our moms ti@&y, and started being honest with ourselves by calling "excuses" to be all that we were meant to be exactly what it is called. An EXCUSE.

I am NOT exempt. I fall victim to those dreaded voices far too often and justify whatever "excuse" Ive concocted as okay. I hear them constantly. But there comes a point for enough and a realization that its time to jump out of the nest and fly on our own. I hear from people that want to get a road bike and actually bike vs taking a dang spin class. "What if i get lost?" "What if i wreck?" What if I have a flat tire?" I could give you thousands of examples with different things, but the point is: IF YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING, DO IT! Figure it out. Take your knocks, wreck, get lost, learn how to fix a flat, google it, whatever...... "I dont have anybody to run with, bike with..on and on.." Guess what, me either... Just do it. Learn as you go and figure it out. Stop blaming circumstances, people, your mood, your day, your sleep, the weather.......and call it like it is. Its YOU. You are the problem. There are people out there right now with some REAL excuses JUST DOING IT and actually living life while it is passing you by.

The key is to keep getting back up, keep fighting, keep learning, keep digging deeper into the endless limits of the human spirit. You can do it. You will do it. If you get knocked down and give into an excuse to not take on something that scares the crap out of you, get back up and fight like your life depended on it. "Every man dies, but not every man lives." Dont you want to live!?? Its time to take your life back and live with a hungry tenacious intensity to slide across the finish line scarred, bloody, bruised, and dirty! The words at the finish: "Well Done......"

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