
Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 I have a client that whipped out her I-Pad yesterday to log into her calendar to plan the next few months of training.  She is more than busy with work, but she prioritized time to work on HER.  

In this business, people will disappear if they have a few days off.  My rule is no more than a day off.  Two or three days off makes it sooooo hard to get back at it.  You lose sight and become complacent.  Excuses begin to creep in.  If you give into excuses once, it is easier to keep using them.   Stick with the routine.  Consistency is the key in the "journey".

She just came back from a trip and had Strep throat.  Its not going to stop her from her goals.  Lessons learned.  Have goals?  Make a plan, eliminate excuses, and put it on a calendar in such a way that YOU are highlighted as a priority of the day.  Treat it as a work appointment, but YOU are the work.  Fill your tank, or you will have no fuel to fill another that is needed.  A full tank beats staring at the gauge and wondering if you have enough to get to your destination.

Envision the results and PLAN.  Fail to plan, plan to fail.

Time to plan!

Love you all

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 What is "missing" in your life?  Some things are meant to remain lost.  Some things are meant to be found.  Know the difference.

The key is knowing what is missing that you NEED.  Car keys, food, shelter......?  You would be surprised at how you can survive..    Walk, hunt, pitch a tent.....  That is NOTHING.  What are you emotionally missing?

Feed it to yourself!

You cannot rely on anyone to feed you.  If someone does, hold it, while also knowing you have the keys to your own stability.

I remember as a kid, seeing pictures of "missing" kids on a milk carton.  There are many more things "missing" in our lives.  Find what you need to find, and if needed, recruit a search party for what you value.  

Lost keys is nothing compared to losing or missing YOURself.  Its time to find YOU!

Love you all

One day

 People put off far too much for some future date that isn't promised.  "One day", I will..........

You have TODAY.  Make it day ONE.  If it were your last day, and you didn't know that it was, what you do today MATTERS.  

If you were to meet your demise today and look back from another place beyond your present life, how would you view your last moments?  Were you fighting and pursuing?  Were you sitting idle?  Were you complaining/negative or positive/grateful?  

"One Day" is TODAY.  And it is day one of the rest of your life.  Decide.  Decisiveness is a choice followed with actions and eliminates regrets.

Love you all

Too late?

 Many people buy into the "it's too late" mentality.  I have heard too many testimonies of people that reset and understand the best of life is ahead of them.  There is too much life to live to say "it's too late"..... for whatever.

You for sure have a story to tell of your past, but the future story you can tell means you never said "It's too late"

Those stories are absolutely AMAZING!  Create THAT story.  Allow the miracle to come by simply not giving up and focusing on the life in front of you.  It is never too late to be what you might have been.  Love, jobs, impacts you will have etc.  It's never too late!

Love you all

Monday, July 29, 2024

Feeling Sick?

 There have been many "sick" lately.  From strep throat to a random stomach bug.  When you are there, you feel exhausted and at your worst.  At times, you feel the feeling will not end.  One good thing about being "sick" is that you only want to feel well again.

Its amazing how being sick makes you wish so badly to be healthy.  If only we didn't have to be "sick" in order to feel that way.  It's time to get healthy and not wait to be "sick" in order to be motivated be healthy.

We then look at the healthy people and feel they are taking it for granted.  We succumb to a mind mode that tells us they have no idea the state we are in.  Maybe, they have been there too, and healed.  You will too.  Its time to get better.  As long as it takes, get better.

Love you all


 Members of this club are quite unique.  We are a family.  They share their stories.  I share mine.  We help each other through life.  Life has taken it's toll on quite a few, BUT, we have to cling to "What's Next?"

Focus your attention THERE.  What's next is the fuel to get you through.  Forget the past and focus on what is next.

What is "next" for you?  The goal is to make each day and the future better than the past.  We got this.  Better is coming.  Put the blinders on and focus on what is in front of you.

Game on.......

Love you all

Friday, July 26, 2024


 Graduation means one chapter of your life is done.  You put in the work to throw that cap in the air, take your diploma, and do something with it.  

There is a huge freedom and release.  The possibilities are endless.

One aspect I have learned is how many "graduations" we go through.  Never forget the work involved to get there or the vision of where you can go after tossing that cap.

Your diploma is in hand.  You have the T-shirt.  What are you going to do with it?

You may slip or fail at times, but never forget the work put in or the fact that there are many graduations to be had.  Let us keep "graduating" and pursuing what is next.  Keep being elated to the the endless possibilities to come.  The work equates to the cap toss, smile, and open doors.

Life IS school.  A lot of classes and many subjects.  Get an A or an F, stay in school and keep at it.  Keep celebrating the "graduations".

Love you all

Thursday, July 25, 2024

What time is it?

 There are a few days that get so crazy that I don't know what day it is or the time.  I have also had times that I had no access to a watch or couldn't see a clock.  Time is soooo important, but how are you gauging the "time"?

Regardless of what the clock says, make sure you are in the moment of the time you are IN.

Make the most of it!  We have very little.  

What time is it?..........

Make sure you say..."Its TIME"

Love you all

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What is "clean"?

 I may know someone obsessed with cleaning.  "Cleanliness is next to Godliness".....

Why?... It is something you can control that eliminates stress, is ONE reason.  There are many more reasons.  I was so obsessed at one point that I cleaned the bottom of my shoes.  Part of that reason was that if I didn't take care of what I had, I knew I wouldn't get a new pair.

Take care of what you have in such a way that you know you can't just toss it and get a new one.

Your body, health, relationships, or "stuff".......  Keep it as something you can't replace.

The definition of clean comes to your own definition.  Walking into a clean house or sleeping in a bed with fresh sheets beats walking into filth.    Your sink has dirty dishes?  Your laundry basket is full of dirty clothes?

Its time to clean in order to not wear dirty clothes, wonder where the clean dishes are, and sleep in a bed with crisp sheets dried on the line.  (You know that feeling)  Its up to you to do it in order to feel it.  Its time to clean.  

Love you all

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

What now?

 There have been a few instances in life that I have asked this question.  The answer is always what you manifest it to be.

Set your boundaries, put up your guards, but "What Now?" will find you.

It will feel like a warm comfort that you didn't expect.

Embrace the gift of a blessing you have been praying for a long time that came out of nowhere.

Too many times, we don't get second chances.  Wrap your arms around the gifts that come unexpectedly. 

Love you all.  (Now What?)

Monday, July 22, 2024

Whats for dinner?

 What is for dinner?  Steak stir fry is one of my favorites to prepare.  The ingredients make it as well as the Wok, sauce, spices, temperature, and time  There are many ingredients and ways of preparation that bring a result that satisfies the tongue.  

It takes time and experience to get it "right".  The recipe sometimes changes as well as how it is prepared.  Steak choices matter, the choice and freshness of mushrooms, bell peppers, and onions matter.  Cilantro makes it.  

I was invited to dinner recently, but it matters what I bring and how I prepare to make the meal delicious.

The same with workouts and life.  Tweak what you need and keep trying in order to get it right.  Taste as you go, and keep working to get the RESULTS that leave you salivating.

Keep cooking.  Don't burn it and waste the ingredients that could have made it awesome.  What sides do you want with the dish?  Choose wisely, prepare, and get it to something worth eating.

Love you all

Friday, July 19, 2024

Good bye

 This is one of the hardest sentences to write or say.  I've said it to pets, to people, and even myself at times.

I caught myself yesterday saying it when it was the LAST thing I wanted to say, but I said it anyway to protect my own mentality.  Reality is that there are times we just have to say "goodbye" in order to say "hello" to the things and people that love us and make us stronger.

Its time to say "goodbye", and "hello".  Say goodbye to an old thought pattern or the things/people that destroyed it.  Say "Hello" to what absolutely makes you smile.

Love you all

Thursday, July 18, 2024

What matters

 I've done a lot of thinking lately on "what matters".  I've also been reserved to understand that "passion" changes the way that you treat what matters.  Be patient and don't rush.  Really?  If you're passionate about what matters, do what you need TODAY while keeping the BIG picture in mind.

It takes some time and experience to clearly see and understand what matters.  Once you "get it", tread in such a way to hold it.  Hold in such a way like a bird.  Hold it too tightly, you kill it.  Too loosely, it will fly away.

Haha, I just found a bat in here.  I took my shirt off to gently remove and let it go out of the back door.  Some things need to be gently removed just as other things need to be gently held on to.

Love you all

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Lost and Found

 Soooo many members lose keys, phones, shirts, ear buds, or whatever.  Things get brought to the front desk all day every day.  Things are lost and found.  Its up to the owner to come and retrieve.

Similar occurrences happen with much deeper things in life.  If it truly matters, we are going to do the searching, retrace our steps, and find what is lost.  Some things we lose and find may already be destroyed or lost by the time we track it down.

Don't lose what is important.  If you find it in tact, don't lose it again.  The value jumps tremendously within the panic of the fear of it being gone forever.

Once you find it, you adjust to how you handle and not take for granted the precious thing that could be lost again.  Hold it tight.  People, your health, sanity, family, or friends.  Hold tight.  Some things get lost, but the moment you find it, don't let it go again.  Place a chain on it if you must in order to not be released from the grasp of what is important.  Your mentality changes and your actions of how you hold onto changes as well.

Some things are meant to be lost and stay lost.  Some things are meant to be found.  Find and hold on to what is precious.

Love you all

Monday, July 15, 2024


 Most every client I have ever had has had me sit them down on day one.  I will ask for their goals, make them more specific together, and dig them for "The Why".  If "The Why" isn't deep or big enough, you can toss those goals right into the trash.

Goals are not meant for the trash.  They are meant for you to see them through to fruition.  Its time to work on the heartfelt "WHY".  Write it down in a place you see it multiple times a day, and meditate on it daily.  Let the "WHY" be sooooo big that there is not any other choice but to accomplish your goals.

Its time to be hyper focused on "WHY"?

Love you all

Saturday, July 13, 2024


 You all know I am about the law of attraction.  See it.  Be it.  There are certain people and things that can rob you of the vision.  Its time to let that go and gravitate towards receiving the gifts made for you.  Dream, believe, and receive.  Let the other garbage go.  You may have even been treated like garbage.  You are NOT!  Let it go

Keep dreaming and believing.  Who or what treated you like garbage IS the garbage.  Take the trash out.  Karma will bring their own flies and stink.  You took it out.  Worry no more, and dream.  It all starts with the vision outside of the bag you tossed at the dump.  A flower growing inside of a pile of shit still smells like shit.  Time to replant.

Love you all


 My Dad and I were talking yesterday about all the crazy things we used to do in this heat and not even blink.  Many runs and ridiculous length bike rides were done.  I lived in Charleston for a period of time and threw out a few 100 mile weeks running in July and August AFTER teaching tennis on a hard court all day in 100 plus degrees.  How?  Why?  I didn't think about it.  It wasn't an "excuse".  I adjusted, hydrated, and knew my body would adapt.

Its going to get hotter.  We are hitting records lately.  Life is the same.  It can get HOT!  Adapt.  Grab your Gatorade and JUST DO IT.

There is a difference in the physical and mental side of those that stay inside and use excuses vs the daring souls that DO, regardless of the temperature ramped up.

You'll survive, and be better for it.  Don't get a heat stroke, but get OUT.  Cut off the Netflix binge watching show, and create your own show.

Love you all

Friday, July 12, 2024


 LIFE.  It is most certainly a process.  There are ups and downs, but if you are a part of the progression, be grateful.  There are too many that were not able to make it through the procession.  I know of a certain individual that, like myself, broke his neck at an early age.  I was lucky.  I am not in a wheel chair.  Guess what.... he is, and feels lucky every day to be here.

I love him for his attitude, and firmly believe his attitude has him here as he impacts many lives.  Many people are attracted to energy that they don't even anticipate or see.  That energy is attractive and contagious regardless of your circumstance.  Keep your head up, have a good attitude, and let the energy flow.  Many things happen in life in the dash on your tombstone between birth and death.  It's up to us to make the dash count.

The goal is to have the purpose and drive to not cave too soon.  We have a life.  Live it.  Give to others, and finish strong.  Cross the finish line knowing you gave it all you had with what you had to give.  The - is what its all about.

If you are "here", you are in your prime.  Love every moment.

Love you all 


 Divorce brings up so many emotions for so many people.  The statistics have gone through the roof.  WHY?!

Mine was finalized yesterday.  If you don't make each other better, JET.  This goes to every relationship you have and the relationship you have with YOURself.  What you do and who you surround yourself with should make you better.

It absolutely breaks my heart when people suck to people or things that destroy them.  Divorce is a thing that tears apart what destroyed you.  Divorce the things that don't make you stronger.

There are a few people and things in my life that provide fuel.  I hold tightly and have a covenant with that and will not "divorce" what matters.  Lets GO!  As ripples in a pond are produced by the rock you throw, know you hold the rock.  Create your own ripples.  You can pour a lifetime of energy and effort, but if there is no return on the investment, let it go.  Grab that rock and create the ripples you want going out.  Its in YOUR hands.

I have a journal that was blank.  I am able to write a new story.  Follow your gut and write.  We can thank the "angels" that guide the words.

Love you all 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Let it Go!

 There are many things that hinder people from progress, but the number ONE is simply not letting whatever is in your past GO.

This button on my keypad is "shift".  That's where the "shift" happens.

Its time to let it go and SHIFT.

It takes time, and a different amount of time for different people, but the result of letting it go WILL come.  Easier said than done, I know, but take the TIME needed and invest in yourself

Click that button!

Love you all

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 Love is an interesting concept.  We are not to meant to be alone, yet so many fight to introduce another that brings them light because life is quite complicated.

When you see the "light", hold it tight.

The most important part is finding love of YOU.  Hold that tight, see the light, and wrap around it.  We all have past, but the present is that light you currently see.  Make a "heart" around that with your own hands and GO FOR IT.  True love can  get you across that ocean to the Sun you see.  Keep chasing the Sun.  There is a warmth there you never felt before.  Its worth the boat ride, or even the swim.

Love God first, and you will be guided to the warmth of what is meant for you.  Keep swimming, trust, and have faith that the direction guided for you will equate to..............

The picture is as beautiful as the life you create for yourself for simply seeing the sun in the middle of the heart you made and the Sun you see clearly in front of you.  When you know the dark, you can see the light in a WHOLE different way.  Start swimming

Love you all

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


 Robert Frost.....  "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood"  Taking the one less traveled can make all the difference.

As hard as it may seem and the doubts of choosing a different path, the reward around that next corner awaits..  Sometimes, it doesn't even matter which path you choose, as long as you commit to it.  I have written before about squirrels in the middle of the road and how they meet their demise because they can't make up their mind for which way to go.

Choose a path.  Stay the course.  Don't look back.

Love you all

Monday, July 8, 2024


 I agree with this....Too many people don't realize how awesome they are, the story they have to tell, or the fact of the story is why  they are awesome.  Stop beating yourself up.  Realize the story created an awesome version of yourself that is meant to shine for others to see.

Step up on that mountain top and absorb the culmination of what it took to get there and BE.  BE the amazing person that it took to get there.  BE you.  BE.

"Enough" is a bit sketchy.  What is "enough"?  Be yourself, keep fighting, and know you are "enough" when you keep fighting to be the best version of YOU.  Through all the storms, doubt, and attacks on who you are, you WILL stand on that mountain and know YOU are "enough".

Love you all

Friday, July 5, 2024

Flat tire?

 I just had a member come up to me that rides his bike here each day.  He asked if I had a pump.  Of course.  

He explained he just put a new tube in and didn't understand why it kept going flat.

I explained to him that sometimes the culprit is inside of the rim of the tire.  You have to clean out the inside of the tire itself, or the trigger for flat will cause it again.

Replace the tube as many times as you want, but the abrasive thing that causes the next flat will be there until you clean "that" out.

Love you all

Ramp it up

 I was reminded by this last night with fireworks.  There is a LOT of noise before the explosion of beauty.  If you are going to make noise, produce a colorful explosion.  An explosion with colors that branches out in all directions and that makes others see the noise that produced the colors is worth the noise.

Make sure your noise produces a parade of explosive colors., sparkles, and is outreaching.

Its time to "ramp it up"  We are not going to simply hear the "BOOM".  We are going to "bring" the noise.

Bring it!

Love you all


 I spent the 4th watching a lonnnnnggg firework show at Unity Park in Greenville.  The amazing thing that I witnessed was how many people showed up to watch a ton of explosions.  Traffic was INSANE!  People were camped out at the QT to the point no one could get gas.

I made the comment to someone that it would be better to have a Roman Candle war at home with your neighbors.  Shoot a bottle rocket.  I don't like watching something outside of something I am a part of.  I can be a part of watching at times, but I want to be a part of DOING.

Lets shoot some fireworks.

Love you all

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 Dog owners have experienced this a few times.  My rescue decided that she had an opening when the garage door was opened and took full advantage.  Poof.  It took a while to find her.  While in full panic mode frantically searching for her, I realized that she was not necessarily trying to escape.  She was exploring areas outside of her immediate environment.

An "escape" may simply need to be exploration.  The question is not "Can you escape?"  The question is.....  Are you "escaping" or exploring?  You have to escape in order to explore.  Lets just not find you hit by a car on the side of the road!

Lets keep the escaping and exploring healthy.  Come back with new perspective, refreshed, and ready to be rewarded with a treat.

Love you all

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The "pit"

 Tis the season......  I worked at a peach packing shed in High School.  I loved some peaches for sure....  Most people don't even begin to know how many varieties there are or the process it takes to get that sweet fuzzy dessert in your basket at home.

Most things in life of worth require a lot more people and effort involved in the result of a sweet reward.

Open your eyes.  Don't think it is going to be easy.  But, know, that sweet reward is worth all involved and your effort.

I had a client tell me today....  "We have peaches coming out of our asses".  Heck yeah..  I'll take a peach, but that "pit" in the middle will not pass through there.  There is a core to the middle that can be a part of the result of what you taste at the end, but you don't have to eat the pit at that point.

Enjoy the fruit.  Discard the pit.  It was merely a rough part of producing what you savor and digest.

Love you all

Monday, July 1, 2024

What are you eating?

 You've read many posts from me based on this reality.  Truth be told, I have spent the last few years in a place of not really caring.  What happened was not weight gain, but health loss.  I would rather weigh more and feel healthy vs looking at the scale and judging the number staring back.  

Your brain and physical function comes down to the simple truth........  What you put in, you get out.  

How are you "feeling"?  How are you "thinking"?  How important is the future longevity of your life?

There are people that eat terribly that live decently long lives, BUT, what is the quality of the life they are living?  There are also people that don't get metabolism or a well-balanced diet that are "skinny".  Some people may ask.  "How do you stay so thin?".  The actual question should be...  "How do you feel".  "How is your health?"

Let us eat with purpose and function of what makes us our best selves.  Its time to get healthy and perform with a purpose of living, and living well.

Love you all