
Saturday, June 29, 2024


 There is a HUGE difference in a house and a "home".  A "home" is something more than walls.  Its something you hold dearly in your hands and protect.  A "home" is a place that warms your heart and long to go to because of the people in it.

That "home" could be anywhere...  A church, a gym, a job....or simply a person.  

Surround yourself with what "home" should look like or "feel" like.

What and who makes you feel like "home"?

Even if its yourself.  Its time to go "home"

Love you all

Friday, June 28, 2024


 Everyone coming in the gym lately has complained about the heat.  It has always been amazing to me how the human body quickly adjusts to the elements placed.  It is up to us to trust in the adaptation and stay after it.  

Consuming fluids most certainly helps in the adaptation process.  The same with life.  What fluids are you sucking down?  There are things that hydrate and there are liquids that will suck what fluids you have in you completely out.  Drink in what is going to help you adapt to the elements.

I even had a client fork out some extra money for the Gatorades she will consume.  Being proactive keeps you ahead of the game and lays the groundwork that says..  "Ive got this"  Its HOT, but......  I have a plan to combat and adjust.

Love you all

Thursday, June 27, 2024


 There have been many times I have barely hung on by a piece of a piece of a string.  Keep hanging on until you can grab a rock above and tie a knot in that rope.  

Hanging on by a thread makes you adjust and look around as to how to be more secure vs staring at that thread that could break at ANY moment.

Be proactive.  Get in the zone of figuring out how you will fix and not fall.  "Patience" is a strange thing, but calm yourself to adjust.  Trust in the strand holding you.  Its still there.  Now, tie a damn knot that won't break.  Hang on to what you don't want to let go of.

Love you all

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

What are you attracting?

 Life begins to flow when you are attracting vs propelling.  Opposite sides attract another magnet, but both sides of yours attract the "metal" that is there.  These are paper clips.  Envision the notes that were once attached.  Where are the notes?  What got done that mattered?  Empty paper clips should mean the task was completed or the crap that didn't matter was discarded.

Based on the "law of attraction", we should have the notes of what we want to draw attached.  Write those notes carefully, and allow the magnet to pull it in.

Your thoughts polarize.  Either way, you are going to get what you pull at you.  Based on your mentality and who you are at the core, you will pull.

Lets focus and attract what we want.  See it.  Be it.

Love you all


 The most beautiful thing in life is that TODAY is the THE day for a NEW day.  A "beginning" can always be right in front of you.

What you make the ending of that beginning is 100% up to you.

The beautiful part is that you can have a new beginning.  Realize how beautiful it can be and EXPLORE the journey that equates to the story you want to write.  It starts with a "beginning"

Love you all

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Lost in translation

 There have been a few texts Ive sent that get lost in translation.  I don't suck at communication, but sometimes the meaning can be lost without hearing other aspects of the person's voice, the expressions, and demeanor.  

Your voice matters  more than written words.  Your actions matter more than your thoughts.  It is time to not be lost in translation.  Be clear with  your words and actions.  Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Game on

Love you all

Monday, June 24, 2024


 There are many steps in order for progress and ultimate success.  Ultimately, it begins with motivation to even begin to think about climbing the steps.  I am in a mix of internal and external motivation at the moment.  I have felt like crap so long now, that I forgot what it feels like to feel good mentally and physically.  That is a point of being sick and tired of being sick and tired.  That is enough to look up and envision the path.

External motivation can come in the form of seeing other people suffer, complain, and their constant doctor visits OR it can come from seeing someone else be brave enough to begin the climb.  If they can do it, I can do it.   It can also come from wanting to be the best version of yourself FOR someone else.

Regardless of external or internal motivation that sparks the change, commit.  Crawl if you must in the beginning, but always keep your head up and facing the goal.

Happy Monday.  Love you all

Friday, June 21, 2024


 There is a dash on the tombstone between the date you were born and your demise.  There is an hour glass that flows on your life.  The sand will sift and cannot go back to the top.  Each grain that falls is an opportunity.  Each gran above is an opportunity to focus on where we want it to fall.

Life is far too short.  We can't slow the fall of the sand, but we can direct where it falls.  

May the sands of time treat you well.  You have control of the sand and where it lands.

Time to take control of the hour glass.

Love you all

Thursday, June 20, 2024

I can

 Sometimes a drastic measure may simply be whipping out a pair of scissors and cutting out the doubt, the can't, the whatever that prevents the "can".

When people cut that out, change CAN happen.  Stay focused and eliminate the n't.  You CAN, and you will.


Love you all

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Surgery is an interesting thing.  I have my opinions on many.  Some are needed... some are not.  I have prided myself on eliminating surgeries not needed, but some are.  A scalpel will dice into you and the trust of the surgeon doing the procedure HAS to be there.  They are being paid to perform something on YOUR life.  Right or wrong, your life is in their hands.  An anesthesiologist can even jack it up.  There are many players in the game of "fixing" you.  

There are also many players in your game of life.  Choose wisely.  Some will kill you.  Some will heal you.

We have a choice who will perform what is broken.  Don't allow random people without your best interest to hold that scalpel as you drift off into sleep.  It is the difference of waking up healed or not waking at all.

Time for surgery?  Wake up healed.

Love you all

Stay on the tracks

 Going off the rails on the "crazy train" is a choice.  Stay on track with a fresh start.  Aligning your wheels on the tracks and staying the course beats a wreckage.  There will be trees downed, broken down cars stuck on the tracks, and random people laying in the direction you are moving.

Keep the coals thrown in the engine, trust the track, and the direction.  We aren't going off the rails today.  Plow through the obstacles  Stay on track.

Love you all

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

I don't care

 Some of you may know the politics behind this photo.....  The fact is that it is HARD for me to not care.

It may burn you to oblivion, but CARE.  If THAT is the "Do U", do it.  Care about you, but know others need it as well.  Find the balance and continue to care for yourself and others.  Caring for yourself without shutting the door opens the door to give.

Love you all


 The window to your soul.......  I have been fooled by this before.  We won't go there.  We will go to a point that reflects what the eyes can SEE.  When my oldest was a baby, his finger nail caught my right eye.  I couldn't see anything.  The pain was immense and I had to shut the lights off in my office to eliminate a little pain.  I don't leave work, but had to leave that day.

If something causes so much pain that you can't see, it is time.  It is a time to dig into your soul and see what you wish to see.  Regardless of the pain and repulsion of any light that causes more pain, you have to dig deep and see the light that you want to see.  We are more than what we can physically see.  We are what we want to see.  Light is what you make it to be.  Your eye may or may not heal, but there is a light burning within you.  Whether you can see or not, let others see the light burning within you.  Pain and all, let them see the light burning within.

Today is the day to let the light shine through more than your scratched cornea.

Deep thought Tuesday.  Love you all

Monday, June 17, 2024


 Sometimes I can.  Sometimes, I cannot.  Unplug.

There were simpler times.  You can CREATE them now.  This image reminds me of a generation that tells me so.  Listen, and focus on the things that matter regardless of what people tell you that matter.  You live ONCE.  Live your life in the flow and within the grains.  Don't cause splinters going against the grain.  

What equates to true joy for you vs the splinters?

Its time to remember who you were before the world/ someone told you to be someone different.

Be the amazing YOU that you are.  It attracts the life you always dreamed of vs the nightmare you have been trying to force.  Live the dream of who you are at the core and let the "world" disappear.  You are not of this world.  You are far more beautiful than any sunrise.  

Love you all


 I had the wonderful opportunity to play golf yesterday with my son.  It is the greatest game in the world.  Everything else is played on the same field or court.  Golf is TOTALLY different.  The ball may end up on an up slope or down, in a trap, in the woods, on pine straw, dirt, or the type of grass you are playing on can make a difference along with the grain of it,......and every hole is different.  It is up to us to pick the club, adjust for distance/wind/elevation..., and trust.  No apprehension or room for doubt.  Confidence.  And it matters who you are playing with!  You hit that ball in the next lake that is curved around the hole, you want that person that gives you a "mulligan"

Life is the same.  We don't know exactly what we are dealing with until we get to our ball.  Take your time, adjust with the elements, and hit that shot.  Some do not go as if we set up to hit, but the perfect shot keeps you coming back to hit another shot.  Keep taking shots.  The shots that flow like butter are the ones you remember and can take with you for the next shot.  The bad have to eliminate from your mind to play the next hole.

Play the next hole with the feeling of bliss on that shot that hugged the hole within 2 feet, the putt you sunk from 20 feet, or the drive you crushed 350 yards nailed down the center.  Whip out the good in your quest to tackle the course.  Your round will be better by a gazillion strokes.  Your mindset dictates your score in golf and life.

Lets focus on the good, and FEEL it in the next shot.

Love you all


 This picture is one I can relate to on so many different levels.

We have ideas of what "success" looks like, and we compete to get "there".

There is a point where we realize that we may not be heading in the same direction, and the spring we have been unconsciously or consciously loading propels us to a place beyond the rat race.  

Load your spring.  Do what is right, follow your heart, and love.  It will shoot you to the place beyond others racing for what will make them empty.  I have a tat on my ankle that basically says that every runner runs, but only one gets the prize.  Run in such a way as to get the prize.  Its up to you to understand what that "prize" is, sit on the spring you know will get you there, and explode past the race that others are running.  Run YOURS.

There is more to come on this post..........

Love you all

Saturday, June 15, 2024


 This is one of the best pics I could come up with to represent Father's Day.  Happy Father's Day to those that gave pieces of themselves to fill their child's empty pieces.

Love you all

Thursday, June 13, 2024


 Sometimes it takes two matches to rekindle a flame.  There are so many people that come in this club alone and quickly drift away.  They try to ignite their own flame and it was a HUGE step to come in the door.  The ones that stay connect with another.  

Connect with another and ignite a lasting flame.  We are all family here.  Rekindle your flame.

Love you all

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Move on

 For some reason, I was drawn to this image.  A road, a suitcase, and random balloons..

The question I had was what was in the suitcase and the air in the balloons.  Regardless....You carry what you are willing to take as light or as heavy as you wish.  The choice is yours as to what you carry.  When you make the choice to "move on", keep walking while trusting in the destination.

The Sun is rising.  Keep passing light pole after light pole, and keep stepping.  Don't let the balloons pop.  Those are the only things you are carrying that is light.

Love you all


 What has destroyed your growth and productivity?  Its time to pull the plug on anything associated with what broke you.

There is a weird intertwining of people, places, and things.  Eliminate the association in all forms because the connection between growth and demise can subtly undermine the ultimate goal.

Its time to build, to grow, and focus.  A leaky roof, bad plumbing, or poor drainage on your property can ruin the foundation.  There are ties that grow you or contribute to the death of what you are trying to build.

Build that solid cornerstone/foundation and protect it from the things that will make it implode.  We are not in the business of sinking ground.  Solid ground is where we build our house.  Disassociate from the weak links and build from the ground up.  Contractors can be good or bad.  They are all only as good as the weakest link in their employee chain.  Monitor and micro-manage as needed to make sure your network has your best interest at heart.

Love you all

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The clock

 As hard as it is, you have to schedule.  People will suck your time.  Remember to schedule time for YOU as if it were an appointment.  Its the most important appointment that you can make.  Don't allow anyone or anything interfere with that timeslot.

I am in an environment of people that have come to the place of paying themselves.  They are with likeminded individuals doing the same.  It is encouraging to surround yourself with people that have been through absolute WAR, and come to invest in themselves.  Invest in them and yourself.

Invest.  A break from the soul suckers can produce your best self.  Take a break.  The clock is ticking always.  Hit the snooze, and regroup.  Carve out the time.

Love you all

Up close

 It is quite a beautiful day after the rainy few we have had.  The Sun is out, the sky is blue, and life is good, if only because of that simple fact alone.  

We take far too much for granted.  It is quite interesting to think of the source of the light and warmth we are receiving.  There is a lot going on at the surface of the provider.  Do not simply embrace the sun, but begin thinking about what's going on to provide you the pleasure.  If things in the grand scheme were off by a fraction of degrees, life would quickly get out of whack.

What is the source of your light and warmth?  Respect and protect the fire that is burning as if the campfire were about to go out.  There is a HUGE difference in spending the night in cold dark, and one that provides protection and warmth.  It is night and day.  One thing is certain.  The Sun is always shining regardless of how our planet is positioned.  Night or day, rest in the fact the fire is still burning.

Find the fire and the source.  Find comfort and warmth.  Lets light up the day and keep the fire burning.  Rest at night knowing the flame isn't going out.  Pull the energy and set the world on fire.  Be the source and the light.

Love you all

Monday, June 10, 2024


 I took a "new" shooter out yesterday.  I didn't even discuss the recoil bc it changes the trajectory of your shot if you anticipate.  Just relax and let the aim be.  Guess what.......  That first shot was dead on.  After feeling the recoil, the next few shots went a little off because of anticipation.  

Life is the same way.  It is harder to flow naturally if we anticipate the "recoil".  We have to embrace whatever recoil as if we expect it.  Let it go.  For every action equals an equal or opposite reaction.  Embrace that fact and simply gently squeeze the trigger.  Be confident in your aim without anticipating any backlash.  This also goes back to the law of attraction.  Expect the result of your aim without thinking about anything negative.

I also have a mountain bike in the back of my truck.  This made me think of the wrecks I have had on mountain single track.  The times I focused on an object I didn't want to hit,  I would it that tree, rock, root, or whatever......  Focus on where you want to go, let the negative fall into a blur.  Be hyper focused on the "target".  Let the rest go.

People won't workout for fear of getting injured or their own insecurities of not knowing what they are doing.  There is always someone there to help.  Trust in the process without the fear of the recoil.  Keep shooting, and the groupings get close and closer.  Keep shooting.

Love you all

Friday, June 7, 2024


 I am not one of these, but a few people need them to SEE.  Life is a blur without them.  The near blind need them to see.  Have you ever lost your "contacts"?

Alright, I am going to take a different spin on this......  I had my cell phone in my pocket yesterday.  I hopped off the mower to get more gas and my cell phone slipped out of my pocket and fell under the deck of the mower.  I had NO clue.  Mower was fueled, hopped back on, engaged the blade, and...............  POOF.  No more phone.  Not even a piece of plastic was found over a centimeter in diameter.

All contacts were lost and no connection to anyone.  I was "blind".  What I found in the scenario was that I narrowed down the people I needed to see and the contacts that mattered.  People and things in our life that aren't on that narrow list create a blur.  Place the contacts that matter securely, and things become a little more clear.

Don't risk the contacts that matter.  Keep them in your pocket.  If they fall out, don't let the blades destroy them.  Keep what is precious close and protect them.

Put on your contacts and "SEE"

Deep thoughts for your Friday....

Love you all

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Wipe it off

 Its happened a few times.....  Such a stinky and disgusting mess to clean.  Rub it in the grass, whip out a pressure washer, brush, and cleaning spray.  Whatever it takes.

Sometimes we step in an unforeseen pile, and can track that funk as we go along.  Many are going through moments of life that we have to get to scraping that poop from the source of our movement.  Divorce from a large pile of crap, unseen death of a loved one, a job loss, or crap people that stick themselves to you.  Scrape it off.  Do a deep cleaning, and allow the tool that is going to take you forward to be pristine again.

Crap is all around us.  Watch your step, and if you mistakenly step in, clean promptly.  Life is too short to carry the funk we step in.  As much as we want to rub in the face of those that left it there, clean it, and move on.

Rise above by taking care of YOU.

Love you all

Worth it


I have a few mentors that believe that if it doesn't hurt, you're not going to grow.  It is completely up to YOU to decide and act when thigs aren't easy.  Your response makes it "worth it".  

Patience, resilience, and fortitude are ingredients for the growth to come.  Grow yourSELF, move beyond the pain, and make it "worth it".  You've been through too much to not see the reward.  Throw in the towel and fall into a result of the non easy things and you will die.  Get up, continue to fight, and the "worth it" WILL happen.

Pain is temporary.  Don't give up.  One of my favorite quotes:  "Muscles are merely rubber, what I am, I am because of my mind"

We're not done yet.  Lets shoot for the reward.  There is a reason.  There is always a reason we are going through what we are going through in the exact moment in time it happens.  Trust, keep the faith, and keep placing one foot in front of the other for a better finish line we can't even see.

ACT today in the direction of knowing you are worth it.

Love you all

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Get rid of the dust


As light as dust is, it can be a weight that keeps you from moving forward.  There is a reason why Jesus washed the disciples feet.  Its a fresh start for NEW steps.

This verse came from the dialogue along the lines of trying to share your message.  Those that don't receive.......move on.  (The whole lead a horse to water thing......)  

You don't have to make someone drink truth.  You simply have to share the truth.  The rest is on them.  

Shake the dust off of your feet, and set a new path.

We are in the business of opening doors, cleaning the floor, and allow your "dust" to be left outside.  Shake it off and begin a new path.

Love you all


 When was the last time you made a list of priorities?  When do you remember being diverted from what you claimed to be a priority?

Had a new member come in yesterday that was ALL about paying himself first.  He knew what he needed to do, and DID it.  That is the point.  ACTIONS show what your priorities are.

Once you eliminate the paths of escape, things become simpler.  Exit is not an option, and you can focus solely on the direction you have chosen to go.  Turning around or a left/right isn't an option.  You have made the decision.  Time to be ALL IN.  The reward will be worth it.  Eliminate the "out"

Its time my friends.  You got this!

Love you all

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 There comes MANY times in one's life, where you relinquish the personal fight and have to "embrace" another.  Your tank is empty, and the energy/fuel from another can change both of you.  

I have always been quite intrigued by the root system of trees that reach out to another that needs nutrients to keep that tree alive.  Think about that for more than a minute.  Humans are far more advanced...... or, are they?  

You have to get outside of yourself OR deep within yourself to feel the pain and struggle of another.  Reach out with those roots and you can actually feed each other.  The comfort that someone else has your back can absolutely traject you beyond the obstacles of life.

Embrace.....  Release..... Soak it in....., and "melt" together.

Its why I love  health communities.  We are all going through life, but we are choosing to not even remotely attempt to do it alone.  There is a sense within the glances across a room, a race course, a ball field, that we are IN this TOGETHER.

Embrace.  Breathe, hold tight, and know you are not alone.

Love you all

Monday, June 3, 2024

Missed appointment?

 I am fairly good at getting to any appointment that I have, early.  But, there have been (very few times)...... I "missed it".

Its one thing to miss a dental visit, but when you miss appointments made for YOU in your life that can change the trajectory, you may want to set a few alarms to make sure you don't miss it.

Guess what..... that appointment could be your workout for the day.  You never know the growth that can come from a single session.  Don't miss it.  It may be something you absolutely HATE, but the appointment was appointed to you for a reason.  Don't miss the reason.  It reminds me of not quitting before the blessing/miracle.  Some appointments do not matter in the BIG picture, but the ones to better yourself or those around you matter.  

Begin setting those appointments for YOURself.  Place it on a card and a phone reminder.  There should be a "do not disturb" sense of urgency on these.  You have ONE family.  You have ONE body/ONE life, and these appointments take priority.  Don't miss it.  The cost of missing these are more important than that baby shower you forgot about.

There are also appointments that God has placed you, and only YOU to tackle.  If you miss these, you miss the blessing, and someone else will be tasked with a job made for you bc you missed the appointment.

Don't miss it.

Love you all

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Come back

 One thing is for sure.  For every set back, you have the opportunity for a "come back".  The key is the word "opportunity".  Its up to YOU.  Lay in the set back and sulk or have the gumption to tackle the "come back".  Set or Come?

There are many people in my network right now going through quite the setbacks.  Create a circle to allow those around you to know you are a cheerleader for their comeback.  We are in this together.

There are people in this gym RIGHT NOW doing what they need to do in order to not fall into the abyss.

June 1 is a day for you to "Come back".  Pull yourself up by your boot straps, purge, and begin to rebuild.

Love you all