
Monday, June 24, 2024


 There are many steps in order for progress and ultimate success.  Ultimately, it begins with motivation to even begin to think about climbing the steps.  I am in a mix of internal and external motivation at the moment.  I have felt like crap so long now, that I forgot what it feels like to feel good mentally and physically.  That is a point of being sick and tired of being sick and tired.  That is enough to look up and envision the path.

External motivation can come in the form of seeing other people suffer, complain, and their constant doctor visits OR it can come from seeing someone else be brave enough to begin the climb.  If they can do it, I can do it.   It can also come from wanting to be the best version of yourself FOR someone else.

Regardless of external or internal motivation that sparks the change, commit.  Crawl if you must in the beginning, but always keep your head up and facing the goal.

Happy Monday.  Love you all

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