
Monday, June 3, 2024

Missed appointment?

 I am fairly good at getting to any appointment that I have, early.  But, there have been (very few times)...... I "missed it".

Its one thing to miss a dental visit, but when you miss appointments made for YOU in your life that can change the trajectory, you may want to set a few alarms to make sure you don't miss it.

Guess what..... that appointment could be your workout for the day.  You never know the growth that can come from a single session.  Don't miss it.  It may be something you absolutely HATE, but the appointment was appointed to you for a reason.  Don't miss the reason.  It reminds me of not quitting before the blessing/miracle.  Some appointments do not matter in the BIG picture, but the ones to better yourself or those around you matter.  

Begin setting those appointments for YOURself.  Place it on a card and a phone reminder.  There should be a "do not disturb" sense of urgency on these.  You have ONE family.  You have ONE body/ONE life, and these appointments take priority.  Don't miss it.  The cost of missing these are more important than that baby shower you forgot about.

There are also appointments that God has placed you, and only YOU to tackle.  If you miss these, you miss the blessing, and someone else will be tasked with a job made for you bc you missed the appointment.

Don't miss it.

Love you all

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